12 Easy Ways to Protect Your Kids This Rainy Season

Condo Living, Family.

Children are especially vulnerable during the rainy season. It is the season for colds and flu, and diseases spread rather quickly. As a parent, don’t you wish there’s more than you can do besides getting them to rain boots and umbrellas?

Protecting your children during the rainy days is fairly easy. The simplest health tips require nothing more than just supervision and reminders here and there. Here are simple health tips during the rainy season to ensure that your child will stay guarded against diseases.


Proper rain gear

kid playing in rain

One of the perks of living in a DMCI Homes condo is being close to schools. This means that this school season, it will be easier for your kids to get home when it’s raining. However, you still have to equip your children with the proper rain gear. Basics include umbrellas, raincoats, and boots. This back-to-school tip for moms will protect the kids from getting soaked and from being exposed to rain or flood water that may be carrying bacteria. Involve the kids in choosing which rain gear design or color they like so that they will feel good about wearing them and packing them in their bags.


Wash your hands

toddler washing hand

This is a very basic and simple reminder, but clean hands go a long way. Various bacteria spread quickly during the rainy days and kids can acquire them in school, at home, and just about anywhere. A child’s hand is busy all the time — doing school activities, playing, eating, etc. Bacteria transferred from the railing to snacks can easily make a child sick.

Teach your kids the habit of washing their hands as often as possible and they are already a step closer to better health.


Lots of fluids

The immune system, your body’s defense against diseases, is most vulnerable during the rainy season. Make sure that your kids drink only clean water for maximum benefits. Adding fresh fruit juices to your child’s diet will boost their immune system. Drinking warm water, tea or milk can also help the body fight infections caused by temperature changes.


Drain stagnant water

Dengue is one of the most common diseases during the monsoon season. What is the favorite hangout of dengue-carrying mosquitoes? Stagnant water. This is why one of the health tips during the rainy season is to empty vases or containers with stagnant water, or at least cover them properly. Lower the risk of dengue by not giving mosquitoes a place to breed in.


Clean and sanitize home

sweeping the floor using mop

Another favorite breeding place of mosquitoes, bacteria, and airborne diseases are unclean surroundings. Make your condo a safe haven for your kids this rainy season by making sure that it is thoroughly clean and clutter-free. You can involve your kids in doing household chores by making it extra fun with games and some healthy competition. It is also advised to have your home sanitized, including the beddings, to drive away germs and bacteria.


Balanced and healthy diet

kid in the park having a picnic

Ensuring your kids get proper nutrition is an all-year-round thing, but more so during the rainy days when they are most vulnerable to diseases. Healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, fish, milk, etc. are a good start to making sure that your children stay nourished and healthy.


Stay away from street food

Parents are always cautious about what their children eat, but once the kids have been sent off to school, you can’t always monitor what they consume. Remind your children to avoid eating street food that is prepared and sold in open air, as these types of food are exposed to airborne and waterborne bacteria. One of the most effective mommy tips is to prepare home-cooked meals and snacks that your kids can bring to school.


Herbal tea habit

green herbal tea

Most kids are not used to drinking herbal tea. But the rainy season is a good time to start. Herbal tea has properties that help cure cough, colds, and sore throat. To make it more kid-friendly, you can add sugar or honey.


Increase intake of Vitamin C

citrus orange and lemon juice

Vitamin C helps boost the immune system and also drives away colds and flu-causing viruses and bacteria. A sufficient supply of vitamin C activates antibodies that fight bacteria and viruses. You can get vitamin C in natural form by eating fruits or through food supplements. There are chewable and candy-like versions of this vitamin that are perfect for kids.


Personal hygiene

It is not enough that your surroundings are clean. Make sure you also monitor your child’s personal hygiene: washing hands regularly, taking a bath, trimmed nails, etc. Applying mosquito-repellent lotion and using hand sanitizer should also help. Sanitize what you can of their belongings. If your child was drenched in rainwater, a warm shower once he gets home could wash away germs and bacteria.


Protect with vaccines

Seek your doctor’s advice as to the vaccinations that your child should get to stay protected during the rainy season. Vaccinations are a basic health precaution that parents must take seriously. Make sure that your child has complete shots to ward off common diseases.


Stay away from the crowd

Do your kids love going to malls? This rainy season, it is best to stay away from crowded places if possible. Diseases spread rapidly during this time, and a simple cough or sneeze from the next person could be passed to your child quickly. Stay indoors when the weather is really bad. After all, everyone could use a little rest.

Staying healthy despite the bad weather is something that parents can ensure with these easy and simple tips for the rainy season. Never compromise when it comes to your child’s health, and leave no stone unturned to drive away diseases and infections.


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