10 Things You Should Know About Having a Pet in Your Condo


Some people are hesitant to keep a pet in their condos because, some say, these are not the ideal places for them. But that may not be true. With these simple tips, you may just realize that having a pet in your condo unit may be the best decision you could ever make.

1. Inquire about pet policies. First things first, you have to make sure that pets are allowed in your condominium, otherwise you risk losing your pet – or your place. If renting, ask your landlord about breed, weight, size limit specifications. Sign a pet policy agreement and abide by it.

2. Establish a routine. Schedule a regular and consistent time for feeding and outdoor play (especially for dogs). This serves as their potty-training to avoid the “accidents”. Keep a good set of clothes ready for ungodly-hour potty emergencies so you can go out as quickly as possible!

3. Exercise is essential. For dogs, walking and playing outside is a must to focus their adrenaline on invigorating activities, instead of on your sofa. Look for a nearby park or open space where he can walk and play freely. For cats, having a scratch post puts those fierce scratches in place.

4. Maintain cleanliness. Dogs and cats shed everywhere and so, frequent vacuuming is needed. Brush your dog/cat’s hair daily to avoid the shedding weather from visiting too often. Have a litter box for your cat. Always have a plastic bag with you whenever you walk your dog. People will love you for being a responsible pet owner.

5. Maintain proper etiquette. Living in a condo means having to deal with several, different types of neighbors. And it’s important to note that not everyone will find your dog adorable. Train him to socialize with people to make him (and them) comfortable. No matter how trained he is, always keep him on a leash, preferably short, when passing by communal spaces to avoid any mishaps. Train him to get on and off the elevator at your command and stay with him at the back. Have him sit when another dog is passing, especially when he’s bigger to avoid unwanted quarrels.

6. Housebreak your pet. If you don’t want to arrive at a ransacked home, crate-train your dog (or cat) by establishing it as a safe and happy place he can stay in. Never use it for disciplining purposes otherwise he’ll see it as punishment and won’t want to get in. Make it homey by having his treats and toys in there. As for training, never let him out the crane unless he stops barking. Do warn your neighbors about the extra unbearable barking in the coming days.

7. Interior is key. Keep your furniture as close to the wall as possible to create an open floor space. Store everything that can get in the way and become a chew/scratch toy. Keep your doors open so he can roam about freely. Put a bench near a window so he can catch a view of the outside. Just make sure he won’t fall off the window. Install rugs/carpets to lessen noise from dog nails. When you have a terrace door, make sure it’s closed when your cat/dog’s alone or unattended.

8. “Big” isn’t a deal breaker. Size isn’t really all that matters. There are small dogs that yap more and big ones that are natural couch potatoes. Often, as long as they’re given the right amount of exercise, they’ll do just fine. All that matters is that you find the right mix of breed and size.

9. Make them at home. Whether it’s just a little bassinet or space in the corner, your pet needs a place of his own to sleep and play. Put his toys and treats there. Avoid feeding your dog in the laundry area as most cannot tolerate the noise. Make sure your pet gets enough sunlight in the room.

10. Make time. It doesn’t matter whether your home is big or small – okay, only a little. But what matters most is that you make time for your pets. What they really need most is your attention and consistently giving them that would lessen any misbehavior and increase your quality bonding.

Ultimately, as long as you’re happy, so will your pets be. Make your condo a home for you both. Don’t forget to include your neighbors in the equation. You may also consider other friendly pets that are perfect in small spaces. Be prepared to exert more effort as you try to make everything work. Don’t worry, just by looking into those adorable eyes that greet you every morning, you’ll realize it’s all worth it.


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