A new year means you can have a fresh start in life. You have another shot in achieving the goals you missed in the previous year. But how can you ensure you win this 2019? Here are 12 goals for 2019 and creative ideas on how to achieve them. You may try each item for each month of the year, or take the first steps in all of them as soon as you can.
#1: Make your own definition of success

Without the right mindset, attaining any goal becomes a struggle. If you are struggling a lot, you can easily lose the motivation to keep on moving. Begin 2019 by changing your mindset. Instead of using other people as your benchmark, strive to be a better version of your old self. For an instance, make a fitness plan that suits your health profile and work with your schedule. Welcome the new year with a goal setting definition.
#2: Develop a feasible action plan
You can daydream about a better 2019 all you want, but without a doable strategy, your goals will only remain in your mind. Write down each goal, a timeline, and the areas of improvement. If you are aspiring to boost your savings, you can start by jotting down your net take-home pay and taking out 20 percent of the amount. Develop an action plan on how to budget the remaining 80 percent for your debt repayment and living expenses.
#3: Meet your fitness target

Do you know why you keep on missing your fitness target? Even if you hit the gym regularly, you might have an underlying medical condition that makes it hard to shed off extra weight. You may have an underactive thyroid, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or are taking medication. If you are taking diabetes treatment, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor a safe and doable fitness plan.
#4: Make progressive lifestyle changes

Most people fail to sustain a healthy lifestyle because they jump into drastic measures. It is nearly impossible to cut your soda intake if you were used to drinking it every meal. Here is a tip, slowly cut on your unhealthy habits, but increase the reductions progressively. If you are used to three glasses of sweetened drinks each day, you can cut to two glasses for the first few weeks, then to one. Eventually, you can eliminate it from your diet altogether.
#5: Find the right diet plan

Dieting should not be a fad. Just because ketogenic diet is trending does not mean it is for you. The keto diet is a low-carb and high-fat diet. It is recommended for type 2 diabetes patients but under supervision. It is important that your diet plan suits your health profile. Stop shopping for diet programs online and talk to your doctor or a licensed dietitian.
#6: Cut down unnecessary expenses

Face it. You cannot boost your savings without eliminating unnecessary expenses. Remember that you should be automatically setting aside at least 20 percent of your net income. The rest shall be allotted to your bills, transportation, food, and other essentials. If you do not restrict your shopping spree every payday, you might end up cutting down on your food allowance.
#7: Mitigate the impact of traffic

Transportation costs a lot in cities. These include money, time, and energy. Sadly, traffic congestion is a reality of city living. You can mitigate its impact on your finances and health by living near transport networks, business districts, and commercial hubs. Consider condo living. DMCI Homes condo communities are strategically situated at the heart of urban areas or in highly accessible suburban locations. You can also have access to various lifestyle amenities such as a gym, swimming pool, and function halls.
#8: Get adequate insurance coverage

Insurance plans are necessities in life. These provide income protection in times of emergencies. Sickness or injury can easily drain your bank savings and even put you into serious debt. A health insurance is your safety net. If you have dependents, a life insurance will help ensure that your family could maintain their lifestyle after you are gone. Discover the many benefits of travel insurance, property insurance, and other similar products that provide peace of mind.
#9: Start your investment journey
The importance of goal setting is that it creates a clear path for you. If you want to start investing in 2019, you should set a workable target. After building your savings fund and keeping your insurance plans up-to-date, you can begin investing your money. Research on stocks and bonds, real estate, and small businesses. It is advisable to study the risks before parting with your hard-earned money.
#10: Unclutter your home

“The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past,” wrote organizing guru Marie Kondō. The clutter in your home not only eats up space but also affects your mental health. Discard or donate stuff that you no longer need and keep only those that still have value. As Marie said, what you own defines how you want to live your life.
#11: Make it a habit to disconnect

When was the last time you cleared your mind of worries and mental chatter? In this age of constant connectivity, people suffer from info overload and the need to always be on the loop. This can take a toll on you. Take the time to disconnect for certain hours in a day or night and for several hours every week. Do something that holds your entire being at the present moment. The positive goals in life come from a clear mind.
#12: Learn to deal better with difficult people

Sometimes, no matter how hard you make positive changes in your life, you still struggle to succeed. The problem may be with the people around you and how you deal with them. It may be your boss, friend, or even your family who may be causing complexities and strife in your life. Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle suggests for you to be completely present during a tense situation. “Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.”
It does not matter how many times you fail with your new year’s resolutions. What is important is you keep trying and learn from your mistakes. Start with acquiring the right mindset and creating an actionable plan. You should be open to the pains of changing your lifestyle. Finally, strive for consistency. The only way to achieve your smart goals is to pursue with fervent determination.