Are you one of those people that think the rainy season comes with so much hassle? When it rains too hard, roads are flooded in an instant and traffic becomes heavy as usual. You get soaked, your umbrella quits on you, you can’t dry your clothes, etc.
But hey, there is always a bright side to everything, even with the gloomy weather. The rainy season often signals lower electricity bills. Demand is not too high and power generators are not as hard at work. However, how much energy you consume and save is totally up to you. Saving electricity, just like everything else, requires commitment and dedication, and some creativity. If you are living in a condo, count yourself luckier than most. There are many condo living perks that you can take advantage of during the rainy days to slash your energy consumption.
Pull back curtains and open up

Photo courtesy of Unsplash via Pixabay
How can feeling the cool breeze be so bad? During the rainy days, the surroundings are naturally cooler and the wind is not humid, just like the rest of the year. Enjoy that while you can and pull back your curtains, draw back those drapes, and open your windows. Let that cool breeze into your home while having dinner or watching late night TV. You don’t only get to save electricity but you also get to breathe some fresh air, a departure from the stale indoor air that may be polluting your home.
Turn off your screens
Put down your gadgets and turn off your TV. Whatever screen you have for downtime and entertainment, turn it off. Reconnect with your family by going tech-free in the living room and playing good old indoor games. It doesn’t have to be a board or card game. It could be an indoor treasure hunt or indoor camping.
Use the dryer wisely

Photo courtesy of ErikaWittlieb via Pixabay
With the rainy weather, air drying is not the best option. Thus, you should know how to use your dryer wisely. Don’t use more heat than you need. This does not only consume more energy, it can also damage some fabrics. Place your dryer in a location where there is fresh air circulating. Humid air prolongs drying time and increases energy costs. When loading the dryer, separate the heavy from light clothes because lightweight items use less heat. Remember to keep dryers lint-free as clogged vents tend to waste energy.
Be smart with the water heater

Photo courtesy of tookapic via Pixabay
In countries where there’s winter, up to 20% of annual electricity bill goes to heating water. And when the weather is cold, it takes more energy to heat water. That includes the rainy days. When you have to take a bath very early in the morning, it could be torture. Use the water heater but be mindful of the energy consumption. Keep the temperature to 60 degrees Celsius or 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Take showers instead of long baths.
Save on cooling and air conditioning
Rainy seasons do not automatically mean long cool, chilly months especially for tropical countries. Most would still need an air-cooling system for them to sleep comfortably. On days when you need one, finding the right temperature is one of the best energy saving tips in using an AC unit. Somewhere between 24 to 27 degrees Celsius is ideal. If your air conditioner comes with a timer, use it to minimize hours of use. Keep windows and doors closed. The cooler the room, the less energy your air conditioner will need to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Switch to fans

Photo courtesy of Picdream via Pixabay
Whenever you can, don’t use an air conditioner. Use fans instead. When the air is cool, fans circulate cool air around the house, too. And it also effectively cools down your body temperature. It is sure to save you some serious money in your electricity bill.
Unplug, unplug, unplug
Saving electricity is also a matter of habit. Whatever the season is, always unplug things that are not in use and never leave appliances on “standby.” It’s called vampire energy. It’s the kind that sucks out all the energy for nothing. A Stanford University research shows that vampire energy is responsible for 10% of energy use in American households. That is at least $4 billion paid for wasted energy.
Ditch the oven, go for a crock pot

Photo courtesy of condesign via Pixabay
Ovens require more energy than slow cookers. What do you say about going retro in your condo during the rainy season? Gone are the days when the crock pot is mostly associated with cooking canned and pre-packaged ingredients. These days, we are seeing renewed appreciation for the slow cooker and with it are better recipes. And for sure, there are many rainy day recipes you can try.
Change your bulbs

Photo courtesy of Pexels via Pixabay
During the rainy weather, nights seem to be longer. It starts to get dark at five in the afternoon. And naturally, you would be turning on the lights quite frequently too. Get one of those energy-saving bulbs and see the huge difference in your electric bill.
Go out more

Photo courtesy of Diosanborrego via Pixabay
You’d probably think: how? It is raining and it is safer to stay dry at home. But living in a condo means not having to be chained up in your room while the rain is pouring. Condo communities have a lot of indoor amenities that you can enjoy. There are game rooms, entertainment rooms, and hotel-like lounge areas. By using these common areas, you get to have some fun without using your own electricity.
Get up from the couch

Photo courtesy of profivideos via Pixabay
Sure, rainy days mean lazy days. Being in the couch all day while watching TV is most convenient. But there are other activities to keep you busy and take your mind off that box of pizza or bag of chips. Why not try to sweat it out? Hit the indoor gym in your condo building and do yourself a great favor.
Don’t depend on the rainy weather to do all the work for you. Find creative ways to save energy, including taking advantage of the many amenities available in your condo community. This is a great time to make significant savings in your electric bill.