19 Amusing Things To Do This Weekend

Entertainment, Events and Culture, Homemaking.

After a productive work week, who’s to say that you should spend a bum fruitless weekend at your condo? Over a span of two days, plenty of things could and should be done on your spare time. Take it from successful people. Don’t slack around the condo gathering dust! You should stand up and work on these fun and smart things you can accomplish in the weekend.

1. Plant Green

plant green in your condo

Photo courtesy of Prince Cloyd via Pinteres

With a couple of flowering plants in your condo or balcony, it could bring natural beauty into your living space. More than an economical condo home upgrade, if you are stressed out from work, gardening could be a good source of rest and relaxation. Studies show that plants reduce stress and lowers heart rate apart from naturally cleaning out the air we breathe.

If you have an empty patio or an empty lawn, you could easily transform this into your garden. Vibrant flowering plants can enhance the aesthetics of your condo home. Make sure that the soil is great for the plants that you intend to grow and add  bit of TLC. If you don’t have any available space for planting, go for container plants. Gardening is a great way to feed your creative side while enjoying your free time.

2. Start a Compost Bin

Since you’ve started your condo home garden, why not opt for a compost bin? This will keep your biodegradable wastes to good use, with just a bucket or a large tin can and a scoop of soil. Just let it sit overtime and you now have your home-made compost for your fast growing crops or container plants!

3. Install Sharp-witted Alarm System and CCTV

install alarm system

Photo courtesy of Jaymis Loveday Via Flickr

Times are tough, thus there is high necessity to establish security at your condo home. Gladly, new technology has made security available for every homemaker and condo homeowner to install home alarm systems.

Depending on the level of security you want, DIY burglar alarm systems which are easy to install are available in the market. On the other hand, you may also choose DSC alarms which is the professional choice for home and business use alike. Since you have already installed an alarm system, add surveillance cameras or a CCTV for tighter security around the house. It won’t take a week to install this system and will definitely make your weekend at your condo productive.

4. Do Some Household Maintenance

With the busy work week, you might have forgotten about that bathroom leak or the bulb that needs to be replaced. However, your weekend is the perfect time for these small condo repairs. Since you are just at your condo or home, you might as well do some household maintenance to keep the work week ahead running smoothly. Check every faucet and light fixtures at home, consult your friendly neighbor or the internet for some DIY home maintenance instructions to help you trim down the costs while finishing the work on time.

5. Master a New Dish

condo dish

Photo courtesy of damndelicious.net via Pinterest

Learn a new dish over the weekend. It might not be a gourmet meal, run through the contents of your fridge and check the things available for a dish you could prepare within the coming week. You will save your money and may find this as a hobby to balance your life and work during the tedious week ahead.

6. Tidy Up

Other than having condo home improvements, cleanliness is still the first step towards a home sweet home. Tidying up should covers rearranging the furniture, scrubbing the bathroom, and even throwing things away among others.

7. Have a Garage sale

A garage sale is an efficient way to earn money while disposing the things that you no longer need. Holding a garage sale is definitely a smart idea of spending your weekend at the comfort of your own garage.

8. Read!

read in your condo

Photo courtesy of shoot for the star wars via Pinterest

Need I explain? But seriously, if there’s one thing that you have to do at condo with all the spare time in the world, it’s grabbing the nearest book and start reading. More than putting your mind at work, it can take you places without having to spend a dime. Find a nice spot and let the story gobble you up!

9. Update your wardrobe

The weekend is the perfect time to update your closet of the clothes you no longer use or has been out of the trend for a year. Retain clothes which could stand the test of time like that black tank top or that back shirt. After checking your closet, you could go out for some shopping.


10. Go for a walk

Walking is an ideal stress-free exercise. Unlike running, walking requires at least 10,000 steps each day to count it as an exercise. The best time for running is during early in the morning or at night, depending on your preference actually.  Amenity condo parks and jogging paths are ideal for long walks since the terrain is designed for people walking. Another thing that you can do is to add some music to your exercise. Remember that exercise leads to a good lifestyle which could help you recharge for the work that awaits..


11. Volunteer for community service


Photo courtesy of NPR.org via Pinterest

What better way to spend the weekend than to give back to the less fortunate? Considering your well-off lifestyle, you should try and volunteer for community service and provide for your community. There are tons of community work that need attention and a set of hands for work. Working for a cause uplifts your spirit since you have contributed to the betterment of the society with your God-given gifts.


12. Explore the world: Take a hike!


Photo courtesy of Emerald Shatto via Pinterest

While staying at your condominium could be productive, nothing beats a trip exploring the beauty of the world. Search the net for hiking spots within the area and take a hike! The fresh air helps eliminate the stress and the trip adds up to your treasure chest of experiences. You’ll never know, maybe this is your passion after all, right?


13. Reconnect with your loved ones

Focusing all your energy on work and on your career pulls you away from the most important people in your life such as your family and friends. You should find time in your weekend to reconnect with your loved ones because at the end of the day, your career may fade away but your family and friends are there to stay. Invite them over for lunch or over coffee and reminisce the old times.


14. Go on a road trip

go roadtrip

Photo courtesy of Cara Crawford via Pinteres

Take the entire weekend off for some adventure! Contact your friends and go for a spontaneous road trip or even a scheduled trip to a strange place. Travelling enriches the mind with different cultures while meeting new people at the same time.


15. Puzzle solving: Rubik’s cube

Other than board games, if you choose to spend the weekend at your condo home, why don’t you try solving puzzles? Puzzles are mind games designed to make you think and enjoy at the same time. The Rubik’s cube in particular requires patience and dedication but rest assured an entire day with the cube is enough to master it.


16. Learn how to play/sing a song

play music

Photo courtesy of Allesia via Pinterest

Whether you already know how to play an instrument or not, the weekend is the best time to revive that old passion for music. YouTube, among other websites have free tutorials that could help you master an instrument without any cost, smart huh?


17. Indulge on a food-gasm

Appreciate your food every now and then. During the workweek, coffee and crackers may be enough for your lunch. In short, with the load of work on our heads, we do not get to appreciate food as it is. So take the weekend for a food trip or food tour and venture the different tastes in your town.


18. Learn a new language or learn Braille

Though this may seem as a hard task to accomplish over the weekend, remember that learning is different from mastering. Different websites offer recorded lessons online that teach foreign languages for free. With the broad scope of the internet, you will surely find the website perfect for your needs.


19. Meditate: try yoga


Photo courtesy of Kirtsy.com via Pinterest

Inner peace is needed to balance your work with life. To achieve this, quiet time or meditation is needed to eliminate the stress in your life and calm yourself. Meditation can simply be keeping silent over a couple of minutes and it can also be achieved through yoga. Yoga mixes both meditation and exercise; it also improves your concentration and flexibility.

Leisure time is still time which is too precious to waste on nonsense things. Letting the weekend pass you by over watching the television is not a smart thing to do, so get up and keep your feet and hands busy.


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