Sprucing up your condo design does not have to mean pricey overhauls. More often than not, all it entails is knowing the key design principles. In this case, planning is essential. Start up with a theme, then infuse all the principles to effectively bring different elements together so they create a beautifully unified whole. You will be surprised to find that your space may need some rearranging, removing of unnecessary knick knacks, and the addition of a few flattering pieces.
Prioritize functionality
You must start your space planning by asking yourself the key question, “How do you move through life on a daily basis, and what do you need from your space?” The primary goal of space planning is to foster efficiency. This can be as simple as properly planning equipment placement and furniture layout.
Assess the room’s functional deficiencies, and figure out how to manipulate the elements to better fit the needs of the people who live there. You may think that you need more actual space,more storage—practically a little bit more of everything—not realizing that all you really need is to reorganize the existing footprint. Focus on function, and you will figure things out better
Come up with a concept

After you are done with the “needs assessment” part, come up with a design concept for your space. This will help give you direction, and will make implementation easier. You should be able to mesh your requirements with your desired aesthetic and atmosphere.
Take a holistic approach that goes beyond just your choice of sofa or paint color. It is about coming up with a vision. Creating a concept is akin to communicating. Be able to tell a story using the different elements and pieces in the room, all while meeting both your own functional needs and aesthetic desires. Your concept may be one of practical minimalism or whimsical Mediterranean vibe. Go for whatever lets you tell your own story.
Establish a Focal Point

You need to establish a focal point in a room if you want it to look put-together and aesthetically appealing, otherwise it would look scattered or boring, at the very least. Architectural spaces need to have a point of interest. This can come in the form of a window with a beautiful view. You can create a focal point simply by arranging furniture around the area you would like to emphasize. If your interiors do not have built-in focal points, you can create one by simply putting together interesting furniture, or adding a uniquely eye-catching or large piece. Your point of focus can also be a huge piece of art-work, or a wall with an assemblage of art pieces.
Keep in mind that your design should have a goal, and that is communication. Your focal point should effectively communicate an idea or convey an emotion. Your design should be able to tell a story. A strong focal point effectively communicates the story in one glance. Your guests should be able to step into your space, and instantly know that they are dealing with a creative maverick who likes to have fun or a no-nonsense career woman who prefers to get right to business.
Incorporate contrasts

One of the ways you can do to make your space more aesthetically appealing is by adding contrasting elements. Combining different textures, patterns, shapes, and materials can emphasize contrasts that enhance each element’s innate properties. Your eyes will appreciate the difference. For instance, if you are into geometrics, you can’t have all squares in your room. Throwing in round objects here and there will not only make you appreciate the square ones even more, but will also lend a better flow.
Lastly, contrasts help create a balance. So if you love a tile pattern that is particularly strong, you would want to make the other elements in the room more subtle.
Pay just as much attention to the supporting details

While the big picture is important, the supporting details should be given just as much attention. They must weave beautifully in the grand scheme of things. Always try to step back and see how the things you add in fit into your overall vision. Seemingly little details like your choice of throw pillow or wall clock can make or break the whole look.
It’s easy to get lured by all the products on the market, deliberately designed and showcased to reach your shopping cart and invade your home. Hold back from chasing after the next shiny object. Nothing makes a room more cluttered and unattractive than unnecessary or poorly matched knick knacks.
Aim for rhythm

The same rhythmic effect that makes music pleasing to the ear can be used to create visually stimulating effects. It is all about creating patterns of contrast and repetition. You can achieve visual rhythm by using the same shape or color at different intervals. The goal is to make the eye move around the room. One example is using a certain color alternately in the pillows, and echoing it in the carpet. Be very deliberate about it.
Achieve the right scale and proportion

You know you have achieved the proper scale and proportion if the objects and elements in your condo space look like they belong together. Be it the color, shape, dimension, or size of the objects, harmony should be established between the elements. For instance, if your condo does not have a particularly high ceiling, a high-rise furniture should be last on your list. Also, tiny and under-stuffed pillows will make your big sofa poorly accessorized, even less grand than it is supposed to be.
Create harmony
Design principles like rhythm and contrasts add vitality and visual appeal to a room. However, they can work against your aesthetics if you don’t keep them balanced. Aim for harmony. Bring the design elements together so that they work for and not against each other. Harmony is achieved when the elements combine to create a unified message. While rhythm creates excitement, harmony fosters a sense of restfulness. This effectively balances things out. One way you can marry these principles together is by using a variation of shapes, sizes, and textures to create rhythm, while using just one color or at least a monochromatic palette to bring in a dose of harmony.
Upgrade your condo living experience by improving your interiors. Learn about the essential design principles, and explore the myriad of condo design ideas over the internet you can gain inspiration from.