The Essentials Every Bathroom Condo Must Have


People living in a condo in the Philippines have increased over the past years. This increase is due, in most part, on at least three million people in the country coming from the provinces who work or study in the metropolis. These people usually opt to live in a condo to save on travel expenses and to make things convenient for them, when traveling to and from their homes to their destinations.

The popularity of condominium living raises the pressing concern of caring for every part of the unit that may be purchased or rented. It is not just a matter of giving extra care only on the particular areas of your condo, let’s say your living room and bedroom. Special care must also be given to other areas of your condo that you may not consider as particularly significant—for instance, your bathroom.

condo bathroom

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Your condo bathroom is a place where you can retreat and seek refuge after a long and exhausting day. Because of this, your bathroom becomes a significant part of your condo, even if you are thinking of it as ‘just another room’. Making sure your condo bathroom has all the necessary and interesting essentials contributes largely, given the appropriate care and maintenance.

Avoid confusion with color-coded towel tags

bathroom towel

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Most of the time, you may find yourself storing many towels for yourself and your loved ones in your condo bathroom, most of which are identical in color and design. Color code your towels with hanging loops so your family and guests can distinguish the white towels that belong to them.

To avoid confusion for hygienic purposes, make the hanging loops stand out in color to get the attention of your loved ones living with you in your condo. As much as possible, use distinguishing colors that are the favorites of your loved ones to create special meanings for them and your future guests.

Take a bath or a shower your way

In order to have an energy efficient home design in the condo bathroom, install a shower stall with an accompanying bathtub. You can save water energy by having one single system where water flows for both your shower and bathtub. Increased bills in water energy no longer becomes a problem with the utilization of this water energy saving method.

Enlist the help of a professional architect in installing a two-in-one shower stall with bathtub. Make sure the architect you enlist constructs a comfortable stall for you.

Gives light and privacy at the same time

bathroom style

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Of course, the moments you spend in your bathroom are private ones. Etching especially suits bathroom windows. This is because the treated sections allow light inside your bathroom, but also gives privacy.

Etched windows allow you to be worry-free of the presence of unwanted intruders in your bathroom. These windows let you enjoy your private moments without jumping out of suspicion every time you hear a sound.

Stylish knick-knacks

bathroom storage

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You can incorporate a bathroom stylish condo furniture storage in the form of a medicine chest cabinet. Make your medicine chest cabinet stylish by incorporating flea-market bargains as practical keepers of toiletries.

A vintage teacup may serve as a unique container for cotton balls, and an eggcup doubles its purpose as a bobby-pin dispenser. A tin shaker may be used as a talcum-powder sprinkler, and an old flask may hold mouthwash. Clean containers thoroughly and attentively label all medicines.

Make-believe seashell

seashell bathroom design

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Conceptualize creative ideas for your bathroom essentials by displaying and using a seashell soap dish. Think out of the box by creating a beach scenery while using soap from a seashell dish while taking a shower.

You will be amazed to find that a good beach moment is possible to have in your own bathroom. Get your kids to enjoy this special moment too, and watch them have fun.

Light up with background structural designs

condo bathroom ideas

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One of the essentials in a condo bathroom is having and maintaining a meditative mood when someone spends serene moments in it. Creative wood moldings, wallpaper borders and tile designs, with their soothing colors of blue and green, soothes and calms your mood as you bask in the glories of spending private moments in your bathroom.

Blue and green imitate the colors of the sky and water. These colors get you in the mood of spending your private moments in a nature-like setting in your bathroom. Avoid having dark colors as bathroom structural designs to prevent having negative moods.

The ease a sliding pocket door brings

Unfortunately, you can’t avoid condo chores scheduled every month. Doing condo chores in your bathroom involves harder work. You need to look into every corner to make sure everything is tidy, organized and clean.

Having a sliding pocket door helps you to efficiently and quickly navigate around your bathroom. Accidents and injuries during condo bathroom cleaning and maintenance are avoided through the aid of this handy door.

See a better you

Wall-to-wall glass shower doors let you immerse in seeing all sides of your image, thus, making you see your reflection better. Indulge in examining yourself up more closely and be able to refresh according to your customized needs.

A small bathroom powder room does the trick

A mini bathroom/powder room comes in handy, especially to your lady guests, during condo parties. Make sure powder essentials such as lotion, perfume, and of course, powder, are readily accessible in this room for your guests’ convenience.

Pedestal sinks for the little ones

Pedestal sinks come in handy for your young kids, who can’t seem to reach the taller sinks by themselves. Save yourself from the hassle of the need to assist your kids to use the sink, as the pedestal sinks provide the independence they need.

bathroom decor

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Having complete condo bathroom essentials not only gives you the convenience of having what you need when you need them. Having these essentials also reflects positive home management styles and techniques. Remember, good things are those that come in little ways.


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