5 Creative Exchange Gift Ideas

Entertainment, Events and Culture, Miscellaneous.

Christmas is finally here! In just a few hours, we will be able to celebrate the decency of peace and love and of course, we will be able to open our Christmas gifts. Every one of us might be so excited, but the thing is, despite of the fuss and new gifts we received, there are still one or two presents that are simply out of the blue that will somehow make us think and shake our heads.

For us to guarantee that we will be giving a gift that has purpose and will be valued by the receiver, one thing we must first consider is to gauge the person’s lifestyle and personality. After knowing the characteristic of the receiver, you can now buy the best appropriate gift for that particular person. We must also keep in mind that it is important to give the best gift but always think about the budget. You can buy a trendy and valuable gift for a person without going over to your budget. If you are looking for some of the best Christmas gift ideas, here are some lists according to person’s traits and characteristics:

Gift Ideas for the Adventurous

This is a type of person, who usually engages in sports, loves the outdoors, and spends most of his or her time out of the home. Let me give you some gift ideas starting with Php500 up to Php3000.

For the Outdoorsman/woman:

  • Under Php 500 – Magnesium Fire-starter

If this person is out camping and would need to start a nice fire in order to cook food and stay warm then he/she would definitely need the help of this simple tool.

  • Php 500 to Php 1000 – Hydratio Pack

Imagine climbing a steep mountain and when you have reached the summit you suddenly feel the urge to drink. This is a backpack designed to carry water, this is much comfortable to bring unlike hauling those heavy bottled water.

  • Php 1000 to Php 3000 – Leatherman Multi-tool

This tool is a mini toolbox. It has almost every tool you’ll need a set of pliers, a knife, file, screwdriver etc. that is packed in a small package that you can easily slip into your pockets or you can strap it up in a lanyard. It is lightweight and very dependable.

For the Sports Junkies:

  • Under Php 500 – Squeeze Bottle 

This water container is very functional and very handy to bring if you are a runner. Instead of using a regular bottle for water you can easily squeeze it and the water will squirt out without sucking on it.

  • Php 500 to 1000 – Dri-fit shirts branded sports apparel

For someone who does running sports like triathlons, basketball and marathons. This kind of fabric is recommended because it is make-up of lightweight and durable textile.

  • Php 1000 to Php 3000 – Watch can measure heart rate

If you are a sports junkie then you would do running sports. This can really help you to regulate your heart rate and avoid heart attack.

Gift Ideas for the Loner

A loner or introvert is a person who loves staying at home. This is someone who would trade a party for the comfort of his/her bed and a hardbound novel. He/She is also a person who loves music and a tranquil atmosphere. What are the gift ideas for this person?

  • Let’s start with under Php500 – A hard to find book (preferably hardbound)

This is indeed a necessity for serene afternoons where you just want to relax and slow things down

  • Php500 to Php1000 – Blinged-up Earphones

Even if you are just listening to music you still have to do it in style. What would state that other than be-jeweled or heavy duty earphones?

  • Php 1000 to Php 3000 – A Tablet (gadget) 

Having a breather and playing games, watching movies or even just having extra time to do selfies (self-pictures) is a must for everyone. Since the world is technologically advanced we should follow on the trending gadgets and always update or social media accounts.

Gift Ideas for the Life of the Party

Also known as an extrovert is the total opposite of an introvert. This person is the center of attraction, the joker, the talkative one; I guess you get the picture. He/she is somewhat related to the adventurous personality but somewhat different. Here are some creative ideas for terrific gifts to give:

  • Less than Php 500 – A Statement T-shirt 

The person can use this as a conversation starter. Since our personality would like something to show-off a statement shirt is a very easy way on how to “state” something out.

  • Php 500 to Php 1000 – Perfume

A person that is in the middle of everything else should smell good because if not then how can they continue to entertain people and be the life of the party? We would stand next to good smelling person anytime of the day.

  • Php 1000 to Php 3000 – Two courtside tickets to a basketball game

Since this person likes the limelight; courtside tickets to a basketball game can step up his game and have something to brag about with friends and family members.

Gift Ideas for the EMO/Sensitive

Someone who is gentle, sensitive loves to express their emotions. This is a person who usually shows how they really feel. They express it through music, drawings, arts and a lot more. They are the gentle beings that you would really be fond of. Great ideas for gift exchanges with these types of people are:

  • Less than 500 – A beginner’s scrapbook set 

This is to help them develop on how to showcase their sensitivity by expressing their emotions through the pages of the scrapbook.

  • Php 500 to Php 1000 – A ticket to a concert

They will surely love this gift because this is what they long for a concert where they can release tensions and emotion where nobody will be bothered if you scream, jump or even shout.

  • Php 1000 to Php 3000 – A set of expensive water colors

Sensitive people like to express their feelings through arts and this is a sure way on how they can express it and have fun in the process.

Gift Ideas for the Friendly or the Compassionate

This is a person who is naturally helpful, mindful of others and would always want to be friends. They are jolly people that would trust easily and do extra effort just to keep the friendship alive. What are gift ideas for these types of people? Here they are:

  • Less than 500 – A ticket at an amusement park

Friendly people like crowded places where they can meet more people and interact with them. This is one sure way on how you can meet new people and enjoy at the same time.

  • Php 500 to Php 1000 – A ticket to a charity event

The goal of this gift is to be compassionate and friendly by meeting other group and doing something for them to be better. This is a good way of how you can help other people and show sympathy as well.

  • Php 1000 to Php 3000 – A Tablet

This gadget will help them reach out to other people, get to know them and interact with them socially and physically. It will make the process easier and modern.

The things mentioned above are ideas on how to provide the best appropriate gift for a person depending on their personality. It is really important to know these before buying a gift. But at the end, we must always remember that Christmas gifts from the heart are the best. Bear in mind that in gift-giving it’s the thought that counts. Whether what personality do they have and what gift you will give the essence of giving and sharing this Christmas are what really matter.

Christmas is doing and giving a little something extra for someone. Dare to give the best out of you! Merry Christmas!


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