It’s easy to say that we think highly of our country’s heroes. It’s easy to say that we are grateful to them and that we owe them the freedom that we enjoy today. But how far can we go to show our gratitude? Every year, National Heroes Day is declared a non-working holiday. We take a break from work to remember our heroes. But what do we really do on a holiday?
The best way to show our gratitude to our heroes is to be heroes ourselves. You don’t have to lay your life for a friend or for a country to be a hero. There are simple ways on how to become a hero in real life. You can start by being everyone’s friendly neighborhood superhero in your own condominium community. Doing random acts of kindness is a great way to celebrate the holidays. And it is also good for the heart by releasing positive brain chemicals according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. So spread the love with these 12 simple acts to be heroes in your community.
Care and share

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Be productive and sort out stuff in your condo. You don’t get a lot of weekends and holidays to de-clutter your house. Somewhere around the house are old clothes, shoes, books, blankets, and toys. Instead of just tossing them out, donate them to a shelter or foundation near you. Sharing and caring are among the easiest ways on how you can become a hero in real life. You may also ask a few of your neighbors to donate some of their stuff, too. You will be surprised at how many people are actually willing to share.
Surprise with treats
It could be a cupcake you baked or a bunch of flowers you picked, whatever it is, any treat that comes from the heart will surely brighten someone else’s day. Come knock at your neighbor’s door and show them that there’s good in everyday.
Welcome a new neighbor

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There’s always that new neighbor who is too shy to make the rounds and make friends. Make the first move and introduce yourself. Make him or her feel comfortable about living in the condo community. You know how stressful it is to move in and talking to a neighbor for the first time can make someone feel more relaxed and at home in his new environment.
Walk your neighbor’s dog
A lot of condos in the Philippines now allow pets in their communities. However, condo living is often associated with a very busy lifestyle and some of your neighbors may not always have the chance to walk their dogs to the condo’s parks and gardens. Well, it is a holiday and you don’t have to go to work so it would be really nice if you can offer to walk your neighbor’s dog so the little fellow can get some air and exercise.
Offer your parking space
If you are serious about finding ways on how to become a hero in your condo community, then remember that it all goes down to a parking space. Parking spaces are truly a big deal in any community. A lot of unit renters and owners cannot afford them. If you are lucky enough to have one, offer your space to a neighbor that always has to take the risks of street parking. It will mean so much to him. In a mall or a public area, intentionally miss an available parking space to give way to the next car.
Little something for building workers
Building administrators and workers love responsible condo residents — those who follow the rules, pick up after their mess, show genuine concern for other residents, etc. But this heroes day, be more than just responsible. Be extra thoughtful. On your way out, drop a note in the lobby that says “thank you” or “good job in running the community.” The effect of this act of kindness is something they will never forget.
Note on the windshield
You know that the moment you step in your car, you will be spending hours stuck in traffic. Everybody else feels the same way. Make the battle on the road easier by leaving a nice note on the windshield of your neighbors’ cars. It could be an inspiring quote or a prayer to get them through the day and the traffic.
Give way and offer your seat

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Everyone is in a hurry. Holiday or not, train stations and loading areas for buses will be full of people rushing to get to their destinations. If you notice someone who looks like he or she is late for a life-changing appointment, let that person get ahead in line. Inside the bus or train, offer your seat to someone. You have no idea how much you made someone’s life a lot easier on that day.
Carry someone’s groceries
A lot of people will be buying their groceries this long weekend. Lines at the counters will be long and shopping carts will be full. Offer to carry someone else’s groceries.
Be nice on social media
Spread the National Heroes Day spirit on social media. Leave nice comments on your friends’ posts and photos. Tell a person who likes taking selfies that she looks gorgeous — and mean it. You may also do your part and celebrate the holiday by posting content that will remind everyone of the importance of that day.
Forgive someone
This will take a lot from you, but it will make you feel the best you could ever feel in a long time. If there is a friend that you had a misunderstanding with, drop her or him a sincere “hello” via text or a phone call. Casually approach that co-worker who did something wrong to you as if nothing happened. Make him feel that everything’s okay now and you will be too.
Smile is everything
A simple smile goes a long way. Every person we meet in our community is facing his or her own battle so remember to always be nice. A smile, nod, and a “hello” could mean the world to them.
A condo community needs a soul for it to become a true home for human beings. Be that good soul this heroes’ holiday. Remember that neighborhood matters much more than the size of the home or its interior design. That person next door or that person you meet on the road makes this life worth your while.