
Paw-Approved Indoor Plants: Pet-friendly Living in the Philippines

Category : Miscellaneous

A growing community of pet owners is emerging, each committed to creating safe and enriching environments for beloved pets. With so many people choosing a childless lifestyle, these furry friends are becoming everyone's "fur babies". This also means that there’s a collective enthusiasm to share tips and seek pet-friendly plants indoors to create a happy home for pets. If you are also actively seeking resources, advice, and a sense of community to enhance your pets' quality of life, you’re in the right place.

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This article emphasizes the importance of choosing indoor pet-friendly plants while integrating Feng Shui principles for positive energy flow. Plants just improve your quality of life. These two go hand in hand in creating a home that is harmonious and well-balanced.


The importance of pet-centric and Feng Shui-aligned greenery

It might seem that indoor plants are purely decorative and harmless, but the reality is that instances of dogs falling ill due to certain indoor plants are more prevalent than one might assume. For instance, there are potential hazards posed by specific common plants and such consequences can be quite severe. Therefore, if you love indoor plants and would want them around your home, it's crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure the well-being of your pets.

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In the Philippines, there's been a blend of Feng Shui concepts in interior design for ages. It's a cultural thing Filipinos have held onto. They are big on the idea that how you arrange your space can seriously disrupt the energy flow. Feng Shui-compatible interior design inherently embraces visual balance. The arrangement of furniture, colors, and decor is carefully orchestrated to create a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment.

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Striking a balance between pet safety and Feng Shui harmony is achievable. Through meticulous selection of plants safe for pets and ensuring their alignment with Feng Shui principles, you can create an environment that is visually appealing, safe, and harmonious for both you and your furry companions.


Safe indoor plants for pet-friendly spaces

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If you're mindful about the green buddies you bring into your home, pets and plants can totally coexist. So opt for pet-friendly plants that won't make your furry friends sick if they decide to nibble, and maybe avoid the ones that are a bit too tempting for a taste test. But let's be real, you can never fully trust pets to leave plants alone. Here is a list of the best pet-friendly indoor plants that also align with Feng Shui principles:

1. Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

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Beyond its non-toxic nature, the Money Tree is known for being one of the easiest plants to maintain. This plant is widely recognized in Feng Shui practices, often placed in the Southeast area of homes, which is considered the point of wealth and abundance. Its braided trunk and lush, green foliage not only bring a touch of nature indoors, but also serve as a visual reminder of financial well-being.

When it comes to care, the Money Tree is quite forgiving. It prefers bright, indirect sunlight, making it adaptable to various indoor surroundings. However, direct sunlight can lead to leaf burn.

2. Areca Palm (Dypsis Lutescens)

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Given the declining air quality in the Philippines over the years, the Areca Palm isn’t only a visual addition to your home. It is also one of the air-purifying plants safe for cats. If you’re concerned about space, this plant shines in both indoor and outdoor settings, making it a truly versatile option.

With minimal trimming needs, it fits into a busy lifestyle, making it an ideal choice for both experienced and beginner plant owners. And if you’re looking to align your living space with Feng Shui principles, the Areca Palm is recommended to be placed in an eastern, southern, or southeast exposure.

3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

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This plant is celebrated not only for its simplicity in maintenance but also for the positive energy it is believed to bring into spaces. The long, arching vines are symbols of luck and good fortune. These traits make them a favorite among botanists, not just in Feng Shui.

Its robust nature means it can thrive in different settings, but it particularly enjoys cooler temperatures. Similar to the Money Tree, the Spider Plant is sensitive to direct sunlight. Therefore, placing it in a spot with indirect light ensures its well-being. However, it’s important to note that the Spider Plant finds its ideal placement in the east or southeast directions, which are associated with the wood element.

4. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Seifrizii)

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This plant is a trooper when it comes to watering requirements—it doesn't demand much attention, but it does appreciate regular checks to make sure water isn't stagnant in the soil. Its presence is thought to amplify the flow of life force, encouraging a sense of rejuvenation and positive energy in your surroundings.

For optimal Feng Shui benefits, the Bamboo Palm finds peace when placed in the Eastern facing direction. This positioning is believed to align with the plant's natural energy flow, enhancing its positive influence on the space and its inhabitants.

5. Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

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This plant is widely favored for its easy upkeep, flourishing even with minimal care. It's undemanding with its light and water requirements. When planted separately in pots, these plants can multiply quickly, making it an inexpensive option for you if you're eager to grow your indoor green collection.

Positioning this plant at the entrance of a home is thought to shield the home from negative energy, enhance the overall environment, and even draw in wealth.

6. African Violets (Saintpaulia)

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Not only do they bring a pop of vivid violet to your space, but they also keep things pet-friendly. They thrive best in bright, indirect light, soaking up all those good rays without needing too much gardening. Just keep the temperature in the comfort zone of your home, and they'll reward you with good blooms.

These plants are believed to bring good luck because their flowers rock such a positive and cheerful color. It is recommended to put them right between the sink and the stove for optimum Feng Shui.

7. Rattlesnake Plant (Calathea Lancifolia)

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There’s no sugarcoating it–this plant isn't the go-to for beginners diving into the plant world. It can be very specific with needs for heat, light, and moisture. But once you get the hang of it, these plants start belting out some seriously beautiful leaves. They are best faced in the East direction, as they align perfectly with their Wood element and Zhen Q.

8. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)

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If you're a beginner or just someone who forgets to water their plants (no judgment here), then this can also be a great start for your greenery. Parlor palms thrive in low to moderate light, so no need to rearrange your furniture for their sake. They’re also not too demanding on the watering front.

According to Feng Shui, Parlor palms play a role in your home by contributing to balance and air purification. These versatile plants feel equally at home gracing your front door or sitting in a quiet corner of your room.

9. Bird’s Nest Fern (Asplenium Nidus)

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Typically placed on countertops and tables, they add a touch of green without worrying about your feline companions climbing on top and finding them as they are cat-safe plants. They enjoy indirect light, making them a perfect fit for various corners of your home. Water them regularly, and they'll flourish on their own.

This plant symbolizes positivity, especially in a West-facing setting. In Feng Shui, the West is all about creativity and the offspring's luck. Bird’s Nest Ferns are easy pet-friendly houseplants.

10. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

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The Boston Fern can be such a showstopper when placed in hanging baskets, raised containers, or perched on elegant plant stands. They love their humidity. So, keep that potting medium consistently moist, but not drenched.

Best placed facing East, it's inviting growth and new beginnings into your space. The vibrant energy and air-purifying properties of this fern contribute to a positive and fresh atmosphere, reinvigorating stagnant chi.

11. Watermelon peperomia (Peperomia argyreia)

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The Watermelon Peperomia is a laid-back companion of the greenery with succulent-like leaves that can handle a bit of neglect on the watering part. But, these guys are not sunbathers. Their leaves are a bit sensitive and might throw a little burn party if exposed for too long.

In Feng Shui, the Watermelon Peperomia is recommended to be placed in the Southeast area where it represents wealth and abundance. Even in Brazil, they are known to be given as gifts to symbolize luck and prosperity.

12. Orchid (Orchidaceae)

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These stunners are a beautiful addition to your home. Find them a spot where they can bask in filtered sunlight. Water once a week with little water and during their growth months, a little fertilizer boost will keep them happy.

But the post-bloom phase is where it gets tricky. You've got choices to make on how you want to handle your orchid's future. They thrive in a humidity that is 50 percent or above. If you want to turn up the moisture, consider placing them by a kitchen window.

The best spot for your orchids is in the south to southeastern part of your home. In Feng Shui, these areas represent health, reputation, and wealth, respectively.

13. Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae)

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Most houses might not be naturally moist enough for these beauties, so get ready to mist a lot if you plan on getting this one. Frequent misting is the key, especially for those plants that sip moisture straight from the atmosphere.

When it comes to feeding time, Bromeliads prefer their fertilizer at half-strength or less during the summer months. This will give them a gentle boost without overwhelming their stylish foliage. In Feng Shui, it sits well in the north-facing direction.

14. Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura)

Warmth, gentle airflow, and a generous helping of fertilizer are the sweet spot for these beauties. But, they're a bit sensitive to poorly drained soil, so keep things on the dry side to avoid the dreaded root rot. Moreover, these plants can get a bit washed out and sport brown blotches if exposed to excessive sunlight.

Symbolizing harmony and positivity, it's like having a little energy purifier in your home. Placing it in the east-facing direction, according to Feng Shui wisdom, might just kick things up a notch. The East represents family and new beginnings, making it the area for accelerated personal growth and energized relationships.

15. Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya)

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This plant is a burst of color and charm that thrives in warmth and humidity. They love sitting in the glow of bright, indirect light or partial shade. Water your polka dot plant when the top half-inch of soil has dried out.

Placing it in the southwest direction is all about relationships and love. The energy of the polka dot plant harmonizes with this area, accentuating its positive aspects and creating a sense of balance and harmony within the space.

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Choosing pet-friendly houseplants and integrating Feng Shui is entirely possible. Feeling protected emotionally and mentally is a common desire, and your choice of plants can contribute to that sense of security. Remember, while your plants contribute to a good atmosphere, it's still essential to ensure they won't tempt your pets into a nibbling session.


Cultivating harmonious spaces: Feng Shui in the Philippines

Feng Shui is unified into the cultural tapestry of Filipino living. It's not just arranging furniture-it's a mindset. It’s a way of life that's deeply embedded in their culture. It's about creating a space that brings peace of mind.

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So when adding pet-friendly indoor plants into our homes, they're not mere displays; rather, they play a role in sustaining a balanced energy flow and reminding you of different values. This positive energy isn't confined to humans but it should also extend to your furry companions. Together, these elements contribute to a home that isn't just beautiful and pet-safe but also spiritually enriching.


Interior design and cultural considerations

Before bringing in any plant, do your own research. It's just one Google search away from knowing the houseplants you choose are safe for your pets. Consider factors like how toxic or harmful such plants could be. Knowledge is key to maintaining a harmonious living space. Moreover, look for different ways to showcase your plants as some look good in hanging pots, while others may find their place in cozy corners.

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What gives you comfort and aligns with your cultural background contributes significantly to creating a space that truly feels like home. So choose pet-safe plants and design elements that resonate with your cultural identity. You can even start by supporting local craftsmanship by integrating locally-made decor items or furniture. At the end of the day, your home is a reflection of you (and your pets).


Key takeaways

As pet owners, incorporating cultural significance into your home involves a thoughtful and multifaceted approach. It's about achieving a balance where cultural richness and pet-friendly design coexist, making your home a true reflection of your values and lifestyle.

  • Opt for non-toxic plants. You deserve to enjoy the beauty of indoor greenery without the constant worry about whether a curious pet might nibble on a potentially harmful plant. The choices are vast, and it’s up to you to choose from all the colorful flowers and foliage.
  • Integrate Feng Shui principles. Consider the placement of furniture and decor elements to improve the flow of positive energy. For example, placing items associated with prosperity or success in specific areas can contribute to a balanced living space.
  • Incorporate traditional design elements. This can be a way for you to always stay connected to your cultural identity. There are diverse and inexpensive options for local craft around you that can suit your needs and preferences. This could be architectural details, furniture styles, or decorative elements.

As you go on the journey of decorating your living spaces with pet-friendly greenery and embracing the principles of Feng Shui, may your homes grow into havens of harmony and positivity.

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