Have you noticed the sorry condition of your kitchen cabinets? What about the obvious cracks on your tabletop? It may be time for a house renovation. Many households put off necessary overhaul, sometimes risking their safety, because of cost. However, you should know that kitchen renovation cost in the Philippines doesn’t need to be overwhelming. There are alternatives for expensive marble, mahogany, and timber. As for labor, some fixtures can be done with basic carpentry skills. Kitchen renovation in the Philippines is also affordable than in other countries because of cheap labor. Plumbing, installation of electric wirings, and other tasks that require expert work can be availed at affordable rates.
Before you start revamping your condo home, here are 7 things you need to know for a stress-free home renovation.
Make a plan and stick to it

Photo courtesy of Pexels via Pixabay
Renovating a home is like going shopping. You may have planned to just refurbish your condo living room, ONLY that. But then, you noticed that the bathroom tiles no longer match the color theme of the entire house. From one simple repainting job, you end up renovating every room. Avoid this expensive mistake by making a plan and sticking to it. Do a diagnostic test. List down the things that need immediate attention such as leaks and broken fixtures. Make an approximation of costs in materials and labor. If your budget allows it, then you can have miscellaneous refurbishing.
Seek advice
One of the many benefits of condo living is access to maintenance services and professional advice on renovations. You can get assistance with simple installations of furniture, but you’d need to hire contractors for major overhauls. To avoid getting ripped off from opportunistic contractors, you can seek advice about materials and labor rates. Ask your maintenance office for condo renovation tips and referrals. Another reason for getting in touch with condo staff is to know the kind of work allowed by your condo contract. You can also seek a referral from DMCI Homes Communities. It’s always better to work with someone who’s been recommended by others.
Negotiate and be flexible

Photo courtesy of kaboompics via Pixabay
How much would a new living room design cost? How long would it take for new kitchen cabinets to be installed? Before speaking with a contractor, make sure you have a clear picture of what you want. This will allow them to make an estimation of the renovation cost and timeframe. Solicit bids from two to three contractors and let them know that you’re considering multiple offers. UCLA law professor and negotiation specialist Russell Korobkin shares with Time magazine a negotiation tip: “Let [the contractor] know how much he’s over, and ask for some suggestions on how he might tweak the job to lower the price with minimal impact.” Be flexible. If the interior design you want for your condo living room would extend the renovation schedule, you have the option of waiting or changing parts of the plan. Don’t press your contractor too hard.
Read the fine print

Photo courtesy of godoycordoba via Pixabay
No one likes to read contracts. It’s either we have a presumption of regularity or we’re just plain lazy. A contract protects two parties: in this case, you and your contractor. Take note of change orders, payment, additional charges, timeline, and scope of the work. If you don’t understand an item, feel free to ask. Don’t assume first, then complain later. It’s also important that the renovation complies with condo rules. Seek guidance from condo staff to clear these matters.
Prepare your family for the condo renovation

Photo Courtesy of stux via Pixabay
How to prepare your family for renovation? Your family’s safety is the top priority during construction work. Is there a need to move out? Jacob Hurwith from ImproveNet.com said that certain projects including major mold removal, wood flooring refinishing, and any remodeling project occupying more than half of the home would require tenants to move out temporarily.
Your contractor would likely urge you to move out if the job would pose health and security risks or the average condo size limits workers to move around.
Before closing a deal with your contractor, discuss the plan with your family. Let them know of the duration of the renovation so they can also make adjustments. If you’re moving out temporarily, make sure you bring all essential belongings to avoid going back and forth your home under renovation.
Securing your safety during construction

Photo courtesy of ElasticComputeFarm via Pixabay
If your home renovation allows you to stay at home, keep in mind safety precautions. ImproveNet.com’s Jacob Hurwith suggests sealing off construction-free zone to contain the mess and dust; running an air handler to filter out dust; removing fragile décor; ALWAYS wearing shoes in the construction area, and keeping away children and pets. Preparing your family for condo remodel involve seeking their cooperation. Set restricted areas and share the monitoring task with your partner and adult children. There should be someone overlooking the renovations in case immediate decisions need to be made.
Have a communication channel

Photo courtesy of Negative Space via Pexels
The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) notes that lack of communication between homeowners and contractors or remodelers is a common cause for the failure of renovation projects. “Your remodeler should lay out a communication plan at the beginning of the project. If not, ask them to do so.” This is one reason why it’s advisable to schedule your renovation during vacations to allow easier monitoring. Otherwise, solicit assistance from the rest of the household in
keeping tabs with the construction.
If you’re planning to remodel your condo home anytime soon, take note of tips in planning, budgeting, and negotiating with contractors. Most importantly, heed safety precautions.
Living in a condo is a growing trend everywhere. For a family, condo living offers conveniences that typical housing accommodations don’t. There’s 24-hour security, safe play area for children, and well-maintained lifestyle amenities. Even maintenance is easier in a condo home. No need for outdoor renovations such as fixing the roof and the condo staff is ready to extend assistance whenever needed.