
11 Reasons Why Investing in DMCI Homes is a Good Move

Category : DMCI

Why should you invest in DMCI Homes today?

Many are asking a burning question, as the world grapples with a devastating pandemic: Is it a good time to invest? Financial markets are jittery, and businesses are struggling to find a sense of normalcy in this new normal. Investors are cautious about investing their money before they see the light at the end of the tunnel. Many are taking a wait-and-see approach.

Notwithstanding the widespread fear and uncertainties, you should consider property investment in the Philippines. Property prices may have slumped in recent weeks, but the long-term scenario remains upward. Condo developers are not halting the production of new units. According to Colliers International, the condo stock in Metro Manila is expected to reach about 158,300 units by the end of 2022.

It is understandable if you feel apprehensive about investing your money during a global pandemic, but remember that there is an opportunity in every difficulty, if you look hard enough.

Below are 11 compelling reasons why you should invest in DMCI Homes condos at this time:

1. Property investments offer portfolio diversification benefits.

In the short-term, investment activities in real estate are expected to slow down. Launches have been delayed and closing sales transactions have become more challenging because of the lockdown, travel restrictions, and social distancing.

In the long-term, however, property investments will still remain as good sources of risk-adjusted returns that are less correlated to other investment classes. By placing more of your money into real estate, you can lower the volatility of riskier investments, like stocks and commodities.

2. Real property is a truly passive investment.

Short-term investing works for some people. They have the time, resources, and patience to monitor daily price changes. However, keep in mind that passive investments shouldn't take the time you should otherwise be spent working on your active income. Passive investing is all about building wealth over time. It is a buy-and-hold strategy, as opposed to active trading.

Buy a DMCI Homes condo and see its value appreciate over time. No need to worry about short-term price fluctuations nor market timing.  Get larger units with best-in-class amenities at better price points.

3. The value of a DMCI Homes condo appreciates over time.

There are various factors that affect the price of real estate property. The location, the quality of development, and the reputation of the developer influence the price of a property. The supply and demand of the type of real estate (whether commercial or residential; house and lot or condo), as well as the overall health of the economy, are also important factors.

DMCI is a premier property developer that has been building resort-style condo communities for the past 20 years. It is recognized as the country's first AAAA-licensed real estate developer.

Whether for personal use, lease, or resale you can be assured that your investment steadily appreciates over time, especially from pre-selling prices.

You will find DMCI Homes communities in key cities across the Philippines, typically at the heart of urban areas. DMCI Homes condos appreciate in value, making them ideal passive investments.

4. Perpetual unit ownership of property

Here in the Philippines, there are two types of Condo ownership: Leasehold and Perpetual.

The former is focused on owning a property for a set period, which has a strategic sense. On the other hand, the latter gives you full ownership of the condo, which means you don’t have to give it back to a developer over time and you can easily hand over the title to your next-of-kin.

Not only that, you also get a proportional share of ownership for common areas.

Invest in perpetual unit ownership if you’re looking to own a condo for a lifetime.

5. Live in a highly accessible community

Traveling around Metro Manila has been a struggle even in the pre-pandemic days. People would spend hours in traffic daily, draining their time, resources, and energy.

DMCI Homes condos are accessible to transportation networks, major roads, and highways, commercial hubs, schools, and hospitals. If you plan on using your condo for your personal purpose, you wouldn't need to worry about moving around the metropolis. Your condo home is accessible within 5km of Central Business Districts.

Today when the pandemic is limiting movement, accessible housing options such as DMCI Homes condos are in high demand. Live near your office, the grocery, and essential shops to help ensure that you limit your exposure to health risks outdoors.

6. Experience resort-style living every day.

It may take some time before you can visit the beach, again. The world is still trying to understand the extent of damage to tourism brought on by the pandemic. Travels are restricted to essential purposes, only.

Buy a condo today to experience resort-like living every day. All DMCI Homes communities are designed to have a 60:40 footprint-to-building space ratio to accommodate pools, pocket gardens, fitness gyms, activity lawns, and other lifestyle facilities.

7. Take advantage of a healthy condo community.

Cities are locking down to prevent the spread of COVID-19, forcing people to seek shelter at home. Getting cooped up indoors for an extended period of time is not ideal for your physical and mental health. You need fresh air and sunlight as well as interaction with nature.

DMCI Homes communities feature easy access to open spaces such as biking lanes, lawns, a roof deck overlooking the metropolis, and expansive corridors. You can bike around the community or do Tai Chi on the roof deck. DMCI Homes buildings also allow the circulation of fresh air and sunlight which can help you calm down your nerves during these trying times.

Contribute to the fight against climate change by choosing an eco-friendly lifestyle. DMCI Homes pioneered the single-loaded corridor layout and Lumiventt® technology which allows more natural light and air to filter through the building thus reducing electricity usage in the common areas. This can also help you lower your carbon emission by restricting your use of air conditioning and letting fresh air cool down your space.

8. Condo Community Engagement

Now that this pandemic has physically distanced us from each other, we need to be more connected and active in our respective communities.

DMCI Homes is an avenue for various community engagement activities. The DMCI Communities app is an easy way to connect with everything you need to know as a tenant.

There is also strong PMO and community council relations evident within the neighborhood. Residents and DMCI Homes management host community outreach programs that serve various underprivileged communities such as feeding programs and local market bazaars.

9. Customer-Oriented Features and Facilities.

It is important to know what is happening around you, especially in the middle of a health crisis. In DMCI Homes, all tenants are kept in the loop on health guidelines, developments, and other pertinent information.

Good thing the DMCI Communities app is here to give you convenient online services that adapt to the “New Normal”. Services like online purchases, transactions, payment, and account monitoring can be easily accessed thanks to these app features.

10. Enjoy a full-circle service.

Customer service does not end with the property purchase. Integrated after-sales service continues up to the in-house Customer Care, DMCI Homes Property Management, and DMCI Homes Leasing Services.

Are you planning to rent out your condo unit? DMCI Homes Leasing Services will help you choose the right tenants, prepare the necessary documents, and collect rent for you. For low-service fees, you can rent out your DMCI unit with ease.

11. Start your investment with flexible payment terms.

Many people wait for their retirement funds before starting their investment journey. By then, you will not be able to maximize the time value of money. Remember that the longer you stay invested, the higher the potential gains.

Start investing in a DMCI Homes condo today. You can take advantage of payment discounts, and an array of accredited partner banks makes a DMCI Homes property purchase a hassle-free experience.

The new normal has also shifted into cashless transactions to lessen physical contact. Our trusted merchants and servicing banks are here to give you a 24/7 hassle-free experience with your online payments.

Is it a good time to invest? Yes. No need to wait until the COVID-19 disease is completely eradicated. At this point, no one knows when that day would come, or if it will come at all. Invest in the long-term. Real estate is your best choice if you want to balance out the volatility of your riskier investments. Resell your property or lease it out for a stream of rental income. Either way, choose a long-term investing mindset. Choose DMCI Homes today!

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