Have you been hoarding loads of stuff that you barely have space to move around in your condo unit? Living like that is crazy—you definitely need to declutter. Why don’t you host a garage sale to get rid of those old, unwanted items?
Going clutter-free will make you feel better about your home and yourself. Rather than keep too much stuff in your condo, be proactive about your health and happiness by changing to a minimalist lifestyle. Who knows? Someone may find a gem from your junk. What good does decluttering bring to your health and condo living at Flair Towers? There are 11 feel-good benefits of running a yard sale.
1. Learn the art of letting go

Still holding on to those gifts from an ex-lover? Getting those stuff out of your home (and perhaps, making money out of them through a garage sale) might just be the therapy you need to let go of those bad memories.
Think of decluttering your home as a purging of emotional baggage. You’re not just physically removing things from your life but also saying goodbye to anger, pain, bitterness, and other pent-up feelings you may have for your former flame.
The best part of it? Decluttering will help you gain freedom and feel more in control of your life.
2. No more sneezing fits

Got piles of books on your shelves that are literally gathering dust? The clutter may be causing your sneezing fits. Before your allergy gets out of hand, make an inventory of all your books and other unused things and decide which ones you can sell.
3. Feel less exhausted
If the mere sight of clutter makes you feel more tired, it’s not your imagination. Findings of a Princeton University Neuroscience Institute study prove that people who live in a messy home use up more mental energy, resulting in increased exhaustion.
4. Experience others’ happiness vicariously

Isn’t it nice to see someone’s delight upon getting your stuff at a bargain price? It could be a little girl whose mom bought her your daughter’s old doll. It could be a vintage music fan who found a rare vinyl record from your collection. It could be a neighbor who’s giddy about wearing the cute dress that no longer fits you. It feels good to know that your yard sale at Flair Towers is a reason for someone else’s smile.
5. Make friends with your condo neighbors
Meeting old and new neighbors in activities like a garage sale is one of the benefits of living in a condo community. By observing their behavior during your yard sale, you can find out their interests that make great conversation starters. And next time you run into them in the hallway, you’ll no longer feel awkward.
If you decide to hold your yard sale at the Flair Towers function hall, consider asking your condo neighbors to join you. This way, more people will share the cost of renting the facility, you’ll entice more buyers with the variety of your items for sale, and you’ll get to know your fellow condo dwellers better.
6. Become more focused

Clutter forces your brain to multi-task, what with the many things that compete for your attention. According to a research by Princeton University neuroscientists, this makes it hard for you to focus on the task at hand. For instance, when you’re working in your home office, it’s hard to concentrate knowing that your things are in disarray. Bring focus back into your life by organizing your stuff and selling the non-essentials in a garage sale.
7. Enjoy a more relaxing environment

Living in your condo unit should be a relaxing experience. You can’t enjoy that in a cluttered, disorganized home. If yours could use some spring cleaning, do it as soon as possible and put the unwanted items up for sale. You’ll be amazed at the new appeal and calming effect of your minimalist home interior.
8. Keep stress to a minimum

A clutter-free space marks the end of your constant frantic search for your missing stuff. No more rummaging through your closets and piles of junk. You can save precious time, thanks to your newfound ability to find things more easily. That’s just one of the stress-reducing benefits of decluttering your home and hosting a yard sale.
A University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) research links high levels of stress hormone cortisol to women who hoard things. The more things you own doesn’t necessarily mean you’re happier—it actually increases stress because a cluttered home is a tell-tale reminder that your work is never done.
9. Better chance of losing weight

Tired of your never-ending battle with the weighing scale? Getting junk out of your home and into a garage sale can lose you some pounds. How? It curbs your tendency to overeat.
According to a report by The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, people living in messy homes have a 77% chance of being obese or overweight. Another US-Australian study found that people in chaotic environments had lower self-control and ate more sweets.
10. More refreshing sleep

A messy bedroom could mess with your sleep. A 2015 sleep study found that hoarders who sleep in cluttered homes are likely to have trouble dozing off. So tidy up your room and get the old and unused stuff out for a better sleep.
11. Newfound sense of accomplishment

Getting your old, unwanted things out of your home, organizing a garage sale to earn some bucks, and seeing how spanking clean your space is—what could make you prouder?
Being able to do all that makes you feel better about yourself and gives you a sense of accomplishment. When you dispose of things that are no longer valuable to you, you’re making space for things that matter—and this is the essence of a minimalist condo living.
So, what are you waiting for? Declutter your home and start organizing a yard sale at Flair Towers now!