8 Tips To Establish A Career At The Comfort Of Your Own Home


Tired of your daily commute, traffic, and having trouble what shirt to wear for work? Fret no more.

As most of the companies turning their shells into visual than actual; more people opt for work from home jobs in the comfort of their own homes or condominiums. This new work and living environment in the Philippines, work from home without investment, full time, or part time, is seen as a great benefit for people who intend to build a career and earn extra income without having to worry about the traffic or what to wear to work.

Image via Paul Mayne at Flickr

Image via Paul Mayne at Flickr

Throughout the years, technological progression has brought a drastic change to the business and employment landscape. The emergence of residential condominiums in the country have made them a very popular type of home in the Philippine market today. Living solo in a condominium, being able to manage your own schedule and time through online work, is definitely a step towards a productive career.

Excited to start a career online? Here are some tips to make your work from home or condo a productive and smart experience:

1. Create your professional zone

Image via TylerIngram at Flickr

Image via TylerIngram at Flickr

Get your personal working space at home, free of distractions with all your essentials within reach. This way the people in your household would know that you are working and you may avoid distractions. For condos in the Philippines, you may personalize your condo unit by putting up a divider in your room for your work space. You may even design it the way you want it to be. Defining your workspace in a condo unit just like you would in your old office would help you compartmentalize work from home even in your own condo house.

2. Layout a schedule and stick to it

Working from home does allow flexibility in managing your working hours, but it does not mean slacking off. To become successful in your work from home career, you should be able to structure a daily routine and stick to it whole heartedly. In planning your daily schedule, make sure to put everything on it including time for breaks and even cooking for your mom, among others.

You should identify all factors present during your daily work to be able to be productive. Determine which time best suits your ability to be prolific; some prefer early morning, while some prefer working in the afternoon. If you get to stick to this plan, then the following steps would be a piece of cake.

3. Breathe, have a break, but don’t overdo it!

Contrary to those who see online jobs as a relaxed job, most of the time those who work online actually suffer a ton of stress. You are human, you need a rest. As part of your daily routine, breaks are required to help you recharge for the next project and avoid the strain of staring at computers all day. To do this, you may close your eyes, walk away from your professional space and taking your favorite drink for a couple of minutes. This way, you may avoid getting burnt out of the work and getting the focus on your assigned task.

Image via John7950 at Flickr

Image via John7950 at Flickr

Living in a residential condominium with all the available amenities, you may even go for a swim or a 15-minute circuit at the gym. However, like in an office setting, breaks should only last for a span of time and should not exceed such. Discipline is key to this as no work will be finished if your overdo it.

4. Don’t be late and say no to overtime

Once the day has started, stand up and work. Once the day comes to an end, stop working. Don’t allow yourself to get into laziness and being overworked. The last thing a work from home job should cause is quitting due to the bulk of work undone. Finish the important jobs in the morning and leave the least priority tasks in the evening.

5. Plan a to-do list beforehand

Image via Courtney Dirks at Flickr

Image via Courtney Dirks at Flickr

Before starting your online job, you should list down the tasks for the day based on their priority levels. Remember to plot the most important tasks at your most productive time of the day. This way, you are able to finish the important tasks within the day without sacrificing the quality of the task and your productivity at your condo.

6. Deal with distractions

Make sure to tell your family and friends about your work schedule to avoid distractions. You have to set up a boundary between bonding time with your friends and family, and your work. Though it would be hard, learn how to say no whenever they ask you out. However, be sure to be polite in saying these things that you should not be disturbed when you are at work in the comfort of your own condo house or home.

7. Dress to impress

Image via _Davo_ at Flickr

Image via _Davo_ at Flickr


Who’s to say that you should only wear your PJs to work at home? I’m not forcing you to wear a coat and tie at home either, but change your outfit and out of your pajamas. The way we look for ourselves while looking decent actually affects the way we do things. In short, the only person that you should impress in dressing up for an online job is yourself to help you feel comfortable and presentable to accomplish all the tasks for the day.

8. Stay Healthy

Health is wealth as applied to everything that we do all day. Eat at the right time and the right type of food. Exercise should also be incorporated in your daily routine, as this induces blood circulation which helps you in your everyday work. As most residential condominiums come with a free amenity of fitness gyms and swimming pool, it would be best to utilize this as part of your routine to establish a productive work-life balance experience at your condominium. With proper exercise, you maintain a fit body other than sitting in front of a computer all day working.

Knowing that you are secure at your own home would enable you to concentrate on your online job and become your own boss. More than a luxury, buying a condominium may be advantageous to your work and living environment. With the right location and amenities chosen, your condo house could result to a massive treasure chest of savings and an aide to your online job.

Working from home is not an easy task especially that it requires a lot of discipline from you since you are your own supervisor. Do remember that before considering online jobs, take note of your skills and see if it suits you best.



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