Here’s how to get your Statement of Account the faster, more convenient way!
A lot of things have been said about Valentine’s Day. Clearly, not all of them are polite and pleasant. Jay Leno once called it “extortion day” for men, and a reminder that all Christmas decorations must go down for single women. But for lovely couples, the 14th of February is always a good day (heavy traffic aside). It is a day when corny is cool ...
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Ways To Surprise Your Ultimate One This Valentine
A lot of things have been said about Valentine’s Day. Clearly, not all of them are polite and pleasant. Jay Leno once called it “extortion day” for men, and a reminder that all Christmas decorations must go down for single women. But for lovely couples, the 14th of February is always a good day (heavy […]
Condo Dweller’s Up-to-date Guide to Saving
Convenience and comfort are not cheap. Try living in a condo and you will understand. Condo living offers the best living conditions, amenities, and security but these things come with a price. The monthly amortization or rent, homeowner’s dues, budget for food, and payment for utilities are absolute necessities that you can’t slash off your […]
Fresh and Fun Condo Entrance Design Ideas
Condo living in the Philippines is on the rise. Because of land shortage and very high land prices, condo living has attracted an increasing condo dweller population. Owning a condo is not only a convenient option and a wise financial investment, it has also become affordable because of flexible payment arrangements and real estate developers […]
The Right Way To Hang Picture Frames On Your Condo Wall
Memories are well-preserved through photographs. Perhaps you still have your college graduation pictures but do not have any clue at all how to properly display them in your condo unit? Or maybe the pictures from your 18th birthday already have their fair share of dust, since they are left alone inside those boxes which you […]
Your Practical Guide to Purchasing Your First Condo Unit
Do you always feel anxious because it seems like your bedroom is more like a prison cell than a place of sanctuary? Or perhaps you are already fed up hurting yourself by always bumping on tight corners each time you move around your condo unit. Or maybe you finally decided to go live on your […]
15 Ways to Creatively Hang Your Condo Curtains
Curtains are a must to any condo dweller. Aside from providing additional shade during a sunny day, it definitely adds value and appeal to your condo’s overall look and everyday condo living. Your creative mind should not only focus on the design of your condo curtains but also on how you hang them across your […]
Dealing with Roommates in a Tiny Condo Space
Are you having problems paying the rent of your cozy studio unit? You’re not alone. Solo condo living is a fun experience but not all people have the financial capability to maintain the payments for the house and utilities. If moving back to your folks’ house is not an option, you may want to consider […]
Choosing Condo Plants That’s Best For You
When work life becomes so stressful and demanding, you have to sometimes remind yourself to breathe in and out. Wouldn’t it be nice if you can come home to a breathable space — some place where you can freely let all the tension out and let the fresh air in? If you are living in […]
Achieving a Happier You This Year
2014 was surely one to remember. And there is a huge chance that you managed to fill that year with memories that will definitely bring you smiles and frowns, all at the same time. But beyond that, 2014 may also be a year of unfulfilled promises not only to other people but most especially to […]
Young Couple’s Guide To Owning Condominium
And just like that, you find yourself moving out of mom and dad’s house. Young and newly-wed couples always find this stage bittersweet. Surely, you are going to miss mom’s home-cooked meals and dad’s corny jokes, but moving into your own home is also an exciting time since it signifies a new responsibility, test of […]