
Achieving a Happier You This Year

2014 was surely one to remember. And there is a huge chance that you managed to fill that year with memories that will definitely bring you smiles and frowns, all at the same time. But beyond that, 2014 may also be a year of unfulfilled promises not only to other people but most especially to yourself. Now the good news is, 2015 offers that ever-so-familiar window of change in order to attain a more confident and better version of you.

Photo courtesy of sabo.Photography via Flickr

And not only that, this year is actually the year to start engaging yourself to activities that will bring enlightenment and happiness to your life. So to help you achieve the happiness you truly deserve, this quick guide will walk you through the simple things and ways you need to consider to become happy.


Maintain a Healthy You

Photo courtesy of Allan Cleavar via Flickr

As the popular saying goes, “health is wealth.” And quite frankly, many people should truly adopt this simple mantra. If for the past years you have been living with a care-free attitude, then you could probably consider doing the opposite.

For one, you should start re-introducing vegetables into your diet. Start by eating the more tolerable ones until such time that even taking the most dreadful-looking veggie feels like tasting a cake.

Another thing you can do is cut down on carbs. Your body isn’t getting any fitter and you are not definitely getting any younger, too. Drink plenty of water to help replenish your body fluids. You should probably pursue that gym program you enrolled yourself into the previous year. Do all of these to attain a happier you by being genuinely healthy.


Saying No is also Saying Yes

Photo courtesy of Scripingnews via Flickr

Have you ever been that all-around guy your friends go to whenever favor-seekers need someone to depend on? There may be times when you feel like people are taking you for granted because of your inborn good nature. Unfair, isn’t it? And truly painful in a hundred and one ways.

This year is your chance to turn your back on those time-wasting, energy-draining people once and for all. But maybe not to the point of burning bridges with these people just for the sake of proving to yourself that you can finally say no. Start doing a run-through of your priorities and identify which one to give more importance to. From there, everything will come smoothly.

Another thing you have to remember is that you can’t please everyone. Choose who is more deserving of your time and let the others go. You have to make space for new people who will come to your life. You are not letting them go totally. You are just being brave enough to accept that things have changed, and so do people. By doing this, you will attain the kind of happiness from within.


Bet on Your Chances

You probably thought that you have done more than what you can do last year. But proving yourself wrong is a challenge that everyone enjoys most of the time. This year, you should take more risks. Go out of your comfort zones and stretch yourself further. Maybe it is time for you to ask for that promotion you know you deserve. Or study hard for that math exam you are having difficulty with. Whatever they may be, do it as long as it is safe and with a good purpose.

Nothing beats the feeling of achieving something you thought was impossible all along. Just make sure that you do this out of conviction and not just plain curiosity. Just remember this, “you will never know unless you try.” This kind of happiness is something more internal. Something that only you have the power over. So go and bet on your chances.


Extend a Helping Hand

Photo courtesy of Kalexanderson via Flickr

Everyone wants to help, but not everyone is cut out to do it. This year, practice helping people who are in need. May it be a distant friend, a close cousin, or even a stranger asking for mere direction. You will never know how much effect you will have on their lives. Besides, being human is easy, but being humane is a different story.

However, the more essential thing is that you do this wholeheartedly. You do not practice this to impress anybody or use this as a self-proclaimed righteous act. Help those who need it the most. You must take this as a mission. A calling. Because at the end of the day, what you do, whether good or not, will be repaid accordingly.


Shoot for the Stars

Photo courtesy of Alex via Flickr

Your dreams in life matter the most. Without them, everything seems dark and dull and you are lost in complete oblivion. So this year, take the first step into following those dreams. They need not be grand or humungous. After all, the first step is usually the hardest one. Just focus on your goal and make sure that you are on the track you really want to take. Maybe you desire to finish your studies or pursue a master’s degree. Either way, do it to fulfill your dreams. Only then will you find contentment.


Express Yourself

Photo courtesy HckySo via Flickr

Leave your strict and too conservative version in 2014. This year is about reinventing yourself. Perhaps you wanted to do some repainting in your condo to match your inner personality. Or maybe you wanted to try those extreme outdoor sports that everybody told you you can’t. Have the confidence to wear that shirt you really, really like but always seemed weird to your friends. Whatever they may be, make sure that this year is the time for you to fully express yourself. Get that fighter attitude out of your closet and be creative. Engage in arts, or music, or even yoga. Be yourself.


Strengthen Your Faith

Photo courtesy of Adi ALGhanem via Flickr

When was the last time you visited a church? Or to say it candidly, pray? Perhaps 2015 is the time to reconnect with Him once more. Throw away any inhibitions you have and just admit to your wrongdoings. Most people tend to forget that happiness do not solely depend on worldly things, and that faith can truly move mountains. Because by having a concrete and genuine relationship with Him will you truly find not only happiness, but peace.

There are a lot of ways to be happy this year. What is important is you follow the moral you to become a better version of yourself. And by following this simple guide, you surely have a good chance at attaining happiness, anytime and anywhere.

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