Living in a condo is ideal for everyone wanting to get the most of urban life. Some of the many benefits of condo living is the proximity to business and commercial districts, the free access to lifestyle amenities, and 24/7 security. Share the wonders of condo living with your family by holding your annual reunion in one of the DMCI Properties in the capital. You can hold a Pinoy Fiesta-themed dinner in the beautiful function hall of Flair Towers or a 70s-inspired party in the well-equipped clubhouse of East Raya Gardens.
Here are 8 unique family reunion ideas for your upcoming get-together.
Lip sync battle

Photo courtesy of Thibault Trillet via Pexels
Games for family reunions can range from the traditional charade to the unconventional Japanese-TV-Show-style challenges. For your Christmas celebration, raise the bar a notch higher by organizing a lip sync battle. For an early prep and enough time to prepare for special effects, announce the contest ahead of time. Check out Youtube videos of lip sync battles in Jimmy Fallon’s talk show for inspiration. Paul Rudd’s Tina Turner and Freddy Mercury impersonations are top-notch. The multifunction room in Riverfront Residences is the perfect venue for your event.
Pokemon-style hunting

Photo Courtesy of JESHOOTS via Pexels
The activities for family reunions should be fun, engaging and open to everyone, regardless of age. The Pokemon Go craze may have mellowed down, but you can incorporate the concept in your upcoming event. Prepare cutouts of cartoon characters, Christmas symbols or anything related to your event theme, then attach a QR code that can be scanned by a smartphone. You can generate QR scanner codes through QR code generators available online. Whoever completes all the hidden codes first wins the game. You can have an outdoor party on the open lawn of Verawood Residences.
Gift-giving with a twist

Photo courtesy of Unsplash via Pexels
Unique gift ideas are hot trends in Christmas parties in the Philippines. The yuletide season is synonymous to gift-giving, and everyone is coming up with fresh ideas on how to make it more fun. Do you remember the “wishlist” trend where people jot down what they want to receive and the giver, instead of using the recommendation as a guide, actually buys the exact listed item? That’s pointless. No effort, no element of surprise. Think of gift ideas worth 1,000 pesos that relate to the receiver’s personality. Perhaps a copy of Neil Gaiman’s new book for your introvert brother or a set of watercolors for your artistic cousin.
Healthy Korean cuisine celebration

Photo courtesy of sharonang via Pexels
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the “-ber months”? Food, right? Lots and lots of food! The last months of the year involve long weekends, parties, Christmas bonuses, and midnight sales in shopping malls. The weather is also colder, making you crave for carbs more than ever. For your next family reunion, enjoy healthier delights. Celebrate Korean cuisine by serving fresh salads, pickled vegetables, grilled pork and beef, and other staples for a sampgyupsal party. Book the open-air function hall at the Royal Palm Residences!
A formal cocktail party

Photo courtesy of DMCI Homes
A family reunion is precious because it involves the most important people in your life. This is one reason why some people splurge in their preparations especially if relatives are coming from abroad. If your family wants something grand, you can have a cocktail dinner party in one of the poshest venues in the capital. Casa Real, Acacia Estates’ centerpiece, has two handsome halls where weddings, birthdays, and corporate events can be held. The Solariega Hall can house a maximum of 130 people while the smaller Cuadrilla Hall is perfect for 70 to 80 guests. Relive the 1930s during your family gathering at Casa Real.
Live-stream your reunion!

Photo courtesy of via Pexels
The yuletide season is special for the Filipino family. This is the time when families set aside their grudges and share a meal over laughter and merriment. Christmas is also a tough period for loved ones
unable to come to celebrate with the family. Thank God for technology, Filipinos scattered in various parts of the world can now join Noche Buena at home. Livestream your family reunion on Facebook. You can also devise a hashtag to promote it within your social community. Let family and friends spending the holidays alone join the fun via the Internet. The more the merrier, right?
Simple dinner by the pool

Photo courtesy of DMCI Homes
Filipinos are fond of extravagance. You can imagine how much banks and lending companies anticipate the ber months in the Philippines, which is a period of insane spending. Stay true to the meaning of the yuletide season. Instead of an excessive family gathering, you can prepare a simple dinner in your condo. Cook a hearty selection of foods that everyone will enjoy. Mahogany Place III’s poolside dining is a charming venue for your Christmas event.
Pay it forward on Christmas Day!

Photo courtesy of Adrianna Calvo via Pexels
There are so many ideas for family reunions you and your cousins can come up with. You can have a masquerade ball, a Star Wars-themed party or an outdoor cookout. One idea you can explore for this year’s family reunion is to sponsor a couple of kids from an orphanage. Let them dress up according to the event theme to let them feel that they belong. Encourage every member of your family to prepare a gift for your special guests. Christmas is all about kindness, so why not spread the love by inviting underprivileged children to share your blessing with?
November is almost over. Can you feel the festive mood already? Once December kicks in, the entire Christian world will turn into an extension of Santa Claus’ toy factory—busy, colorful, and with much excitement in the air. The annual family reunion is a much awaited event. You may be agonizing over possible invasive questions from older relatives about your life choices, but that’s family. They can be our worst critics, but they’re also our best allies. Lighten up and make the most of their company.