15 Things To Do To Connect with Your Condo Roommate

Events and Culture, Health and Wellness.

Living in a condo with a good roommate is what everyone dreams about. Having a roommate not only helps in shared condo expenses but it also gives way for new possible friendships. It’s easy if you’re roommate is someone you already know, say a trusted friend. But what if you don’t totally know this person with whom you’ll be sharing your condo space with?

If your condo living checklist just includes the stuff that you need, bills, and other condo concerns, it is time for you to know how to have a good relationship with your roommate since you’ll be living with him almost everyday in your condo. Finding the right roommate is not easy, and it is much dreadful to see a trusted roommate walk away just because of a simple conflict. To better build a stronger relationship with him, consider these outstanding ways of building strong rapport with your condo roommate so you can generally both have a hassle-free condo living experience.

1. Have A Regular Chit-Chat With Your Roommate

This should be the top priority when it comes to establishing a good relationship with your roommates. Take time to start a good conversation with interesting topics to discuss with your roommates at least once a day. Asking how his day at work turned out or just checking on him can help you connect with your roommate much better. Doing so can help you prevent that awkward feeling. This can also help you to already start laying down the ground rules. If you’re living together for quite some time now, do engage with your roommate regularly so as to avoid miscommunication and little misunderstandings. Because if not addressed quickly and in the right way, these little mishaps can worsen over time. And of course, you don’t want a roommate that is quiet all the time, right?

2. Respect Your Roommate’s Privacy

There are times when people tend to forget this one. Being respectful, especially with your roommates’ privacy is one of the most effective ways to strengthen relationship with your roommate. For example, if you’ve asked him about something personal and he doesn’t want to talk about it, don’t nudge him to talk. A simple knock before entering his room can also signify that you respect his privacy. These small actions will help in lessening conflicts inside the condo.

3. Ask Before Borrowing

Always keep in mind that different people have different ways of taking care of their belongings. And these includes their personal stuff inside the condo. Develop a regular habit of asking your roommate before borrowing so that he is assured that you respect him and his belongings. Surely, you don’t want your stuff being used by other people without getting an approval from you.

4. Agree on Certain Rules Inside the Condo

One of the things that you need to agree upon and talk about with your roommate is your condo rooms. Who gets which room? For your CR needs, who goes first in the morning? What time is your agreed upon regarding the use of CR in the morning (especially if both of you are working)? For other stuff in your condo, how long does the TV need to be turned on at night? Paying attention to these small details can help you avoid possible conflicts that may arise from these situations.

5. Food Sharing is Caring

People love to eat. By sharing a meal with your condo roommate, you’ll be surprised to find out that you share a common interest for a specific food delicacy. Ask your roommate out for a friendly dinner or maybe you can show him your hidden cooking skills through your home-cooked meals. Doing this can make you feel at ease with each other and eating together can also lead to frequent conversations regarding any topic of interest to both of you.

6. Set A Practical To-Do List for Condo Chores

Since you’re both sharing a condo space, it is just appropriate for both of you to set a schedule for your condo maintenance activities such as sweeping, cleaning the bathroom, or washing the dishes. Be sure to set realistic and equal responsibilities in your condo. For example, if you agreed to sweep the floor this week, your roommate should handle the week’s dishwashing. This will enable you to foster a sense of responsibility for your condo and prevent miscommunication with regards to condo chores.

7. Give Each Other Space

There will be times when you need to be alone, and so does your roommate. There might come a time that you must not be disturbed because of work that you need to get accomplished overnight. Talk to your roommate freely about these so you can set your expectations and limitations with each other. Doing this will help you and your roommates subsist all the other condo roommates problems.

8. Take Birthdays To The Next Level

Do not commit the mistake of not greeting your condo roommate a big “Happy birthday!” during his special day. Take note of it in your phone’s reminder and calendar and be sure to surprise him with a cake or a simple gift that he will surely like. He will surely be pleased of this simple act during his special day that only comes once a year. Don’t be surprised if he surprises you on your birthday, just like what you did for him.

9. Lend A Helping Hand

If you see your roommate having a hard time cleaning his own room, why not offer him some help? Ask if it is okay to do so. Be quick to take action and inform your roommate of urgent things that need to be addressed, say a leaking faucet. By taking initiative, you show to your roommate your general concern and willingness to help out in situations inside your condo.

10. Tune Down Sounds at A Certain Level

Condo is a place to stay and rest, and no one wants to be bothered with loud music or loud voices when talking over the phone. Be sensitive to your roommate’s noise level preference. Does he prefer tolerable levels of music, or he wants it loud? If his sound preferences does not match with yours, come into a compromise so you can adjust with each other.

11. Take Selfies With Your Roommate

What’s the best way to keep memories with your roommate? Take selfies! Be sure to do it in the appropriate time and place where your roommate is comfortable. You can be sure that you can laugh together at your great selfies that you took. You can also print them and stick it to your condo walls for a happier recall of your photos.

12. Connect More Via Social Networks

With the popularity of Facebook and Twitter, almost everyone is connected through these popular social networking sites. Why not consider adding up your roommate  to your social media handles? This will enable you to know your roommate better and allow for more open communication (especially if your roommate has a trip abroad). You can also upload and share your selfies together through these social networking sites. Be sure not to be the stalker-type when using social media, though.

13. Schedule Regular Coffee Chats

In order to better build your roommate relationships, take conversations to the next level by having regular talks over coffee. Both of you can freely talk anything under the sun which can help you relax while sipping a cup of coffee. If you do this regularly with interesting discussions, you’ll be looking forward to your coffee talks every week.

14. Compliment and Motivate Your Roommate

Everyone needs a boost or two, especially during stressful and hard times. And your roommate is no exception to that. After all, he or she is still human. If you notice that he or she is feeling low, assess if you can approach him or her to give encouraging words. If not, seek for the right timing to approach your roommate. This will allow him to see that you care about how he or she feels.

15. Be Sporty With Your Roommate

Last but not the least, spend time with your roommate by engaging in a sport activity that both of you are interested in. Condo in the Philippines, such as DMCI Homes, include a lot of sports amenities that is available to its residents, such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and basketball courts. Challenge him to a game of basketball to see who scores much better when it comes to hoops. Play a round of badminton and start hitting those shuttlecocks together. Spending time with your roommate can allow you to know him better and this can be a good breather from your daily routine.

Condo living need not be difficult and stressful if you are able to foster a good relationship with your roommate. Building relationship with your condo roommate may take time, but with these helpful ways, you are sure to build a strong rapport with him and it will help you feel more at ease with your everyday condo living.


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