The 25th Anniversary Online Home Journal


DMCI Homes: Building Together, Shaping Tomorrow

The objective of this online home journal is to celebrate and share the stories of success and fulfillment experienced by residents within the DMCI Homes community. By inviting participants to narrate their personal journeys and experiences of thriving in a DMCI Homes environment, the contest aims to showcase the tangible benefits and positive impacts of community living. Through compelling storytelling, participants are encouraged to highlight how their lives have been enriched by the amenities, services, and vibrant community spirit fostered by DMCI Homes. By capturing and sharing these narratives of achievement and satisfaction, the contest seeks to inspire others to envision and pursue their own paths to success within the DMCI Homes community, contributing to a collective narrative of growth, resilience, and fulfillment.

Participant Eligibility:

  • Open to all current homeowners or tenants residing in any DMCI Homes properties.

Theme Adherence:

  • All submissions must creatively interpret the theme “DMCI Homes: Building Together, Shaping Tomorrow” while showcasing personal experiences in their home-buying journey and successes within the DMCI Homes community.

Technical Requirements:

  • Article Body:
    • The write-up must contain at least 1,000 to 2,400 words (excluding the title).
    • Must be written in English.
    • Must be written coherently and is grammatically sound.
  • Use of Multimedia:
    • The article must contain at least one (1) photo of the author in landscape orientation.
    • Photos that will be used must be the property of the author. The photos must not contain any watermarks.
    • Other forms of media such as infographics, videos, and or music are not allowed.
  • About the author:
    • Create a brief description about yourself as the author.
    • Maximum of 5 sentences and 1 paragraph.
    • This will be included in the published article.
  • Formatting:
    • Font: Calibri
    • Font size: 11 pt
    • Spacing: Double-spaced
    • Must be sent as a word document (.docx format)

Usage Rights:

  • By submitting an entry, participants grant DMCI Homes the non-exclusive rights to use their entries for promotional purposes, including but not limited to online and print publications, without further compensation.

Submission Process:

Publication of Winners:

  • Top Five (5) entries and the Grand Champion will be featured in the “25th Anniversary: Online Home Journal” on the DMCI Communities official website and may also be promoted through official social media channels.

Contact Information:

  • For any inquiries or clarifications regarding the contest, please contact

Grounds for disqualification:

  • Plagiarized write-ups or inclusion of plagiarized content in the write-up
  • Usage of copyrighted images
  • Write-up has already been published in another platform
  • Malicious content (promotion of products or services, abuse, violence, pornography, etc.)


  • June 25, 2024: Announcement of contest mechanics
  • July 25, 2024: Deadline of submissions for 1st month
  • July 30, 2024: Publication and announcement of 1st monthly winner
  • August 25, 2024: Deadline of submissions for 2nd month
  • August 30, 2024: Publication and announcement of 2nd monthly winner
  • September 25, 2024: Deadline of submissions for 3rd month
  • September 30, 2024: Publication and announcement of 3rd monthly winner
  • October 25, 2024: Deadline of submissions for 4th month
  • October 30, 2024: Publication and announcement of 4th monthly winner
  • November 25, 2024: Deadline of submissions for 5th month
  • November 30, 2024: Publication and announcement of 5th monthly winner
  • December 15, 2024: Announcement of Grand Champion

Criteria for Judging

  • 40% – Relevance to the Theme (Content)
  • 35% – Grammar and Composition
  • 15% – Style and Tone
  • 10% – Photos


  • Grand Champion: P20,000 for the author 
  • Monthly Winners (July to November): P5,000 each 


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