If you have been thinking of purchasing a home near the sea or have already done so, you may be contemplating on its pros and cons. Real estate located near the ocean comes with a premium price tag, and for good reason. There are many health benefits of living along the coast. Luckily, condo living near the sea has been made possible by property developments like the Oak Harbor Residences. Keep reading to learn why coastal properties are a great investment.
Favorable statistics
In a study that used census data to divide segments based on where people live, scientists found that those who live near the sea were more likely to self-report better health compared to those who live away from the ocean. While you may point out that these numbers may be due to the wealthier populations being able to afford both the better location and proper health care, the same study actually did find that the self-reported better health was also prevalent among those who were part of socioeconomically depressed seaside communities. These results suggest a sound correlation between living near the ocean and better health.
Benefits of moving closer to the ocean

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The study also looked at those who just moved to the coast. People who have just moved to areas near the ocean reported having improved personal well-being compared to those who moved to non-coastal areas. The benefits were found even after factors like job satisfaction were taken into account. The researchers believe that these benefits may be partly due to increased physical activity and exercise, owing to the subjects taking advantage of the more readily accessible outdoor activities.
Fresh sea air

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Still another study points to the positive health effects of living near the coast. Researchers based in Cornwall and Devon found that the closer people live to the ocean, the healthier they tend to be. The benefits are not isolated to those who live in bucolic seaside areas. Ben Wheeler, a public health expert, is not sure how much of the benefits are connected to the salty air, and points to the possible contribution of the sea’s calming effect and the added incentive to spend more time outdoors.
More recreational activities

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And true enough, living near the sea puts you closer to more opportunities for engaging in recreational activities. Staying active is great for both mental and physical health. Living near the coast gives you easy access to fun activities. This will help you manage your weight and improve your health over the years.
Basking under the sun

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Your body depends on the sun in many ways. For one, o sunshine lets you produce Vitamin D naturally. Vitamin D plays a key role in improving your immune system, fighting autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, and making your bones strong. Regular and moderate exposure to the sun can also reduce inflammation that is common in skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. While it is ill-advised to spend too much time under the sun, especially without UV protection, enjoying some sunshine is vital to the healthy functioning not just of your body but of your soul as well. Sunshine is, after all, known to chase the blues away.
Calming views

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Scientists have been doing experiments with subjects in stressful situations like dental surgery. In one such study, photos of oceans were shown to some patients, while others only had a procedure room to look at. Results revealed that those who viewed the coastal scenes experienced less emotional stress and pain than those who didn’t. Researchers have yet to identify any conclusive reason why views of the sea help with pain management, but more experiments are in the works to find out why. In any case, it is easy to see the benefits of living in properties near the coast. That’s a plus for your Oak Harbor unit.
A good night’s sleep

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The air in coastal areas is different than what you will find farther inland. This is because coastal air is charged with negative ions, allowing the body to absorb oxygen more easily. This then results to more balanced serotonin levels, which can decrease stress levels and improve your mood. It can also aid you in sleeping more peacefully and deeply at night, which contributes to an overall level of well-being.
Healthy and delicious seafood

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Living away from the coast often means less access to fresh seafood. This is one of the attractions of vacationing near the coast, so we can indulge in some succulent seafood. Living near the coast gives you access to this vacation life year round. Seafood just tastes so much better fresh, not to mention that it is packed with nutrients, especially when compared to those that has been frozen or processed. Living near the coast lets you enjoy fresh seafood available in a myriad of restaurants and in your very own kitchen!
More opportunities for social interaction
A number of studies point to healthy social life as an important determinant for overall health and well-being. Finding friends who share your interests is not always easy though, especially if you are always cooped up indoors. Living near the coast offers more incentive to spend more time outdoors, and meet new friends. This then increases the likelihood of meeting people who are much like you, fostering deeper friendships. You might even end up meeting your significant other, if you don’t already have one. If you live with your family, living near the sea will give you more reason to spend time outdoors with the brood. That’s a lot more quality time and healthier interactions with the people you care about. And this can do wonders to your health!
If you are already living in a condo near the sea, the reasons stated above should give you more reasons to sleep soundly at night. The health benefits obviously far outweigh the monetary costs of having a coastal property. There are already a myriad of benefits of condo living. Living in one that has the added benefits of coastal living just magnifies it all.