

When I decided to buy a property, the first thought that came to my mind is the word independence. As a single woman in my early thirties, I felt it would be wonderful to start a new chapter in my life—one that celebrated financial independence—by learning how to manage my bills, which became a symbol of financial responsibility, and turning in the key to my own haven at the end of the day, which represented accomplishment and security. However, as time passed, this autonomous mindset gave way to co-independence.

My condo complex was all I had imagined it would be: roomy, bright, and with an amazing view of the city and mountains. I unpacked and decorated a space that was all mine for almost five months. By May 2021, I am exhilarated to see and ready to embrace the freedom that living here promised

The first week was a whirlwind of activities. I spent my days exploring my tower and the amenities, find joy in the little things – a cozy café on the corner, our very own children’s park which always filled with kid’s laughter. Each discovery was a reminder of the independence that I gained.

My evenings were quieter, filled with the sound of my favorite music or the pages of the book I read and the satisfaction of a well-cooked meal. I took pride in the small routines I was establishing, each one a step towards building a life that was truly my own.

Meeting my neighbors and the men and women behind the condo upkeeps was a highlight of the week. I was welcomed with gifts by some neighbors I met thru the community chat. The security guard and the house keeping team never fail to greet and showered me with a smile. They are all polite and always ready to extend a helping hand. It was comforting to know that even in this new and independent life, I wasn’t alone. 

As months passed by, I began to feel a deep sense of accomplishment. Living independently was not without its challenges, but each one I overcame was a victory. I had fixed a leaky faucet, navigated a minor dispute with the building’s maintenance team, and even hosted a small get together party for my closest friends. 

Half a year into my journey, I took some time to reflect on how far I had come. The condo had become more than just a place to live; it was a sanctuary where I could truly be myself. I had decorated it with pieces that reflected my personality and style, creating a space that felt uniquely mine. I had discovered how I liked to organize things. My choice of color was also influenced. I added more colors, I added more life.

Independence had given me the freedom to explore my old and w interests and hobbies. I had started painting again, something I hadn’t done in years. My old portfolio is growing again with my feelings expressed thru my works.

Cooking had become a newfound passion. I experimented with different recipes, relishing the freedom to cook what I wanted, when I wanted. 

Socially, I was growing more connected. I had joined a volunteer group, made friends with a few regulars at the café, and continued to build bonds with my neighbors.

I have joined a lot of programs spearheaded by the community. Blood donation drive, talent show, kids themed party – just to name a few. These events are opportunities to foster friendships and promote awareness of our duties as a responsible neighbor of the community. 

 The sense of community here was stronger than I had anticipated. It was comforting to know that I had support when I needed it, even as I embraced my independence.

When I reached Year one, it made me realized that it has been a year of transformation, filled with highs and lows, challenges and triumphs. Living independently has taught me the importance of self-reliance, resilience, and the value of community.

As I sit on the balcony, watching the city below, I feel a deep sense of gratitude. The journey to independence is ongoing, but I am confident in my ability to navigate it. I have built a life that reflects my values, passions, and dreams.

I started to re-label my journey as co-independence, as is not about being alone; it’s about finding strength within and creating a life that is true to yourself. It’s about embracing challenges, celebrating victories, and connecting with others in meaningful ways. Lumiere Residences has given me the space and support to do just that.

Five months into my second year, life took an unexpected turn. I faced a personal setback that shook my confidence and tested my resilience. I really thought I would be spared from Covid but sadly I didn’t. I had to stay and quarantined myself. It was a difficult time, filled with uncertainty and self-doubt. But in those moments of struggle, I found strength I didn’t know I had.

The support from my neighbors was invaluable. Neighbor friends checked in regularly, offering their help and companionship virtually. 

The community I had become a part of rallied around me, reminding me that independence doesn’t mean facing challenges alone. The security and housekeeping were also there providing assistance to bring my deliveries as I stayed inside waiting to recover. It was a tough and risky situation, yet they are there to support my needs in every little way that they can. 

Through this experience, I learned the importance of self-compassion and asking for help when needed. It’s okay to lean on others, even in a journey of independence. The setback became a catalyst for deeper self-reflection and growth, reinforcing my commitment to living a life that aligns with my values and dreams.

Looking forward, I am excited about the future. There are new goals to pursue, new adventures to embark on, and new connections to make. The journey of independence continues, and I am ready to embrace it with open arms.

About the Author

Maricris loves art, books and technology. During her free time you will find her reading books, or doodling her favorite anime or doing small program. She likes kids and hopes to have her own foundation someday. 

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