
Low Maintenance Indoor Houseplants for Your Condo Space

Category : Homemaking

Photo courtesy of cottonbro studio via Pexels

Are you aware of the value of having indoor plants in your condo space and the benefits that you will be getting from these indoor plants? These plants can be used for ornamental decorations in your condo unit, giving your home a touch of greenery. These indoor plants can also provide you with health benefits and sound mental well-being because it improves the air quality in your condo space.

There are different challenges when it comes to the maintenance of indoor plants. One of these challenges is the type of variety that you must choose and on what part of your condo space must these plants be positioned.

Here are some of the types of low-maintenance indoor houseplants that you can try for your condo.

Types of low-maintenance indoor houseplants

Check out these types of low-maintenance indoor plants that are suitable for your condo and what you must do when it comes to their care and maintenance.

  1. Snake Plant
  2. ZZ Plant
  3. Pothos
  4. Spider Plant
  5. Peace Lily
  6. African Violet
  7. Money Tree
  8. Luck Bamboo
  9. Aloe Vera

1. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Photo courtesy of Fabian Stroobants via Pexels

The snake plant is one of the most well-known indoor plants. It removes contaminants such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene from the home. It produces oxygen while absorbing carbon dioxide at night ensuring that you are breathing clean air while sleeping.

Snake plants are drought-tolerant and it only requires a small amount of water. This plant also does not require much fertilizer. Snake plants need repotting when it outgrows their container.

2. ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

A ZZ plant is a flowering indoor plant that is usually used as an ornamental houseplant. ZZ plant is an air purifier that can eliminate toxins in the air. This plant helps to reduce stress and has a positive effect on mental health.

ZZ plants are highly drought tolerant and can handle infrequent watering, usually, you can water them once a week. You can apply fertilizer in their growing season which is between April-August. ZZ plants are only repotted once they have outgrown their potting container.

3. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Photo courtesy of Alexey Dimidov via Pexels

Golden pothos is a fast-growing vine that forms a lovely green cascade with air-purifying properties. Despite their beauty and air-purifying properties, pothos can be toxic if consumed. That is why you must place them in a place that is safe and out of reach for little children and pets.

Pothos plants can be watered once or twice a week, you must also avoid overwatering because it can cause the plant’s roots to rot. Pothos plant does not need much fertilizer, but you can apply fertilizer once a month. The pot should be no more than two inches wider and deeper than the plant's root ball when repotting.

4. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The spider plant is best known for its air-purifying properties that can minimize the harmful particles in the air of your condo. These are also non-toxic plants, making them safe for pets and small children

Spider plants can be watered once a month, and you must make sure that you keep the soil moist. You can apply fertilizer once a month when the plant is in the growing stage. Spider plants typically need repotting every two to three years. It is time to re-pot when you see roots coming out of the drain holes and above the soil line.

5. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Photo courtesy of Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

Peace lily filters the indoor air and raises humidity levels, making it easier to breathe. It also absorbs airborne mold spores which are typically known as allergies. Though you can combat an allergy cleaning checklist, having this low-maintenance indoor houseplant in the Philippines can give you an immense relaxing aura when you’re stressed or anxious.

This plant prefers to be underwatered, water the plant when you notice the topsoil is dry. You can apply fertilizer when the plant is in its blooming stage. When the plant exceeds the pot, then it is time for repotting.

6. African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha)

This is a popular and common indoor plant because they flower reliably and they are easy to grow. And when this plant blooms the flowers will contribute to making your condo space beautiful.

When watering African violets you must water from below and not allow the water to contact the leaves to prevent damage. Apply fertilizer every other week. African violets much prefer when they are underpotted.

7. Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)

The money tree can be an air purifier for your home as it is one of the most effective filters for harmful pollutants. It is also believed in Chinese tradition that a money tree brings luck to your home.

Money trees must be watered regularly each time the topsoil is dry. You can apply fertilizer once a month. Repotting your money is only necessary if you want it to grow larger.

8. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Photo courtesy of Toni Cuenca via Pexels

Lucky Bamboo is claimed to be highly effective at purifying the air. It creates a healthy environment by reducing chemicals and toxins in the air.

If you are growing it in the soil make sure to keep the soil damp. Fertilizers can be applied once a month. When you notice that the roots are overcrowded then it is time to repot the plant.

9. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

This is not only for ornamental purposes for your condo. You can also use the aloe vera gel when treating minor cuts and burns. It also helps when you are experiencing dry skin conditions.

Aloe vera needs to be watered once every two weeks. Aloe vera is best placed in a bright place where sunlight is mostly available.

Key Takeaways

Those are just a few of the low-maintenance indoor houseplants in the Philippines that you can have in your condo space. You can check out more of these indoor plants that you can add to your list when you want to add more plants to your condo.

  • Commit yourself to take care of indoor plants in your condo. Otherwise, you will just be wasting your money buying these plants when you are not committed to taking care of it.
  • Choose the right plant for your needs. Choose the right indoor plant that will fit your condo space. Look for plants that will not take up much space in your condo unit.
  • Do your homework and research. You must also do some research about the indoor plants that you have in your condo. The care and maintenance and also how to avoid pests and diseases that will affect your indoor plants.

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