Do you know that the plastic bottle you just threw into the trash bin will last for 450 years? You read that right: 450 years. The planet is facing a serious problem with plastic waste. A study published in the journal Science Advances revealed that there are roughly 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste either in a landfill or in natural environment including the oceans. Researcher and industrial ecologist Dr. Roland Geyer warned that, “we are rapidly heading towards ‘Planet Plastic’”. Of the top 20 countries that contribute to ocean plastic waste, 13 are from Asia.
Local government units in the Philippines are taking steps in reducing plastic waste. Some of the cities and towns that banned plastics include Baguio City, Bayambang in Pangasinan, and Metro Manila cities including Muntinlupa, Las Piñas, Pasig, Quezon, Pasay, and Makati.
You can do your part in reducing plastic and other waste by adopting, or at least striving for, a zero-waste lifestyle in your condo home. Here’s are 10 eco-friendly ideas for you.
1. Go for reusable home items

Photo courtesy of Kokil Sharma via Pexels
When buying stuff for your new home in Levina Place in Pasig City, keep in the mind that the city observes bans the use of plastic. Do away with disposable plastic items such as cutlery, shopping bags, and bottles. Buy a bunch of reusable rags or recycle old T-shirts and linens to replace paper towels.
According to Euromonitor, there were 480 billion plastic bottles sold globally in 2016 alone. These plastic items are typically discarded after only one use. Buy reusable water bottles and coffee cups. Not only will you help reduce plastic waste, but you would also control your soda consumption, which does nothing to your body but harm.
2. Buy in large sizes
Getting started with a zero-waste lifestyle isn’t really that hard. Humans have learned to survive for thousands of years without the luxuries of this era. There were no plastic bags, styrofoam cups or aluminum cans. With willpower, you can downsize your lifestyle and help protect the planet.
Consider buying home products by the bulk. Instead of getting toiletries and other cleaning supplies in little bottles, you can buy in large containers. This can reduce your plastic use and save on trips to the grocery. Items sold in bulk are also offered at a discounted price.
3. Choose stainless steel and glass containers
As much as you love plastic containers, especially your mom’s Tupperware collection, it’s time to embrace an eco-friendly condo living. Skip the plastic bowls and get yourself stainless steel airtight containers. You can also buy silicone containers and glass jars.
You will not only save the planet, you will also save yourself from developing serious diseases. Plastic can expose you to toxic chemicals that can leak into your food. One of these harmful chemicals is bisphenol A (BPA), which may cause cancer in humans.
4. Opt for alternative storage options
You don’t need a supply of containers, especially popular plastic ones, if you can have other options of storing food items. Here are some eco-friendly hacks:
- Keep potatoes and onions in a basket in a dark place such as inside a cupboard
- Cut off the ends of stems of veggies and store them in glasses of water on your counter
- Wrap bread in cloth and store in a wooden bread bin
- Wrap beans in a damp cloth
- Wrap lettuce and spinach in tea towel and store in the fridge
5. Cook your food
Food deliveries to your home is convenient, but they’re unhealthy and can stock up trash. Most takeout orders come with single-use napkins and plastic items including bags, containers, cutlery, and packets of sauce.
Cook in your condo kitchen. If you’re always-on-the-go, you can prep easy snacks such as celery and carrot sticks with yummy dips, pasta noodles and sauce you can heat anytime, and lots of fruits. You can also top boiled potatoes with leftover spaghetti sauce and cheese.
6. Buy fewer clothes of higher quality

Photo courtesy of Kai Pilger via Pexels
Living in a condo is your ultimate step to a more environmentally-conscious lifestyle. For starters, the smaller space will encourage you to downsize your lifestyle. Before moving to your home in Sheridan Towers, choose among your many clothes, shoes, and bags you’re taking with you. You don’t need a closet of shoes nor boxes of sweaters you only get to wear during trips. Take the essentials and donate or sell the rest. From here on, buy fewer items of higher quality so you don’t need to replace them often.
7. Recycle and upcycle your clothes
There’s almost an endless list of zero-waste ideas you can check online. You can recycle your old clothes into functional items instead of making new purchases. Try turning your worn-out sweaters into pillow cases, your unwanted jeans into rugs and old shirts into shopping bags. You can also transform your dad’s shirt into a sassy crop top or a plain tank top into a chic party top. Here are some amazing upcycling tricks for your old clothes.
8. Ditch the plastic straws
You may have heard about the growing movement against plastic straws. Not only does this move help reduce plastic waste, it can also save marine life. Sea creatures including dolphins and fish consume plastic waste that end up in oceans, putting them at great risk. You have two options: you can either opt for reusable stainless straws or ditch straws altogether!
9. Go digital
Reduce your paper waste and keep your condo tidy by going digital. Scan all files that don’t require original copies and store them in the cloud. Take notes in your smartphone or tablet using apps. You should also consider e-copies of your newspaper and magazine subscriptions. It’s eco-friendly and cheaper.
It’s also advisable to keep digital copies of your legal documents such as birth and marriage certificates, titles to properties, and IDs for whenever you need copies.
10. Be a planet saver

Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto via Pexels
Photo courtesy of Skitterphoto via Pexels
A zero-waste lifestyle is only possible with the right attitude. It’s not going to be an easy choice, but your efforts will help ensure a healthful ecology for everyone.
Learn to say “no,” advises eco-friendly website “Say ‘no’ to unnecessary purchases, say ‘no’ to free gifts with purchase that you don’t actually want, say ‘no’ to that piece of plastic-wrapped candy in the snack drawer at work, say ‘no’ to disposable drying towels in the bathroom and shake your hands dry instead.”
Every decision you make has an impact on the planet and its future inhabitants. Even a choice as simple as not using a plastic straw can contribute to efforts to save the environment. Do your part. Strive for a zero-waste lifestyle.