Here’s how to get your Statement of Account the faster, more convenient way!
Bad things happen and they have the knack of putting people in trouble when they are least prepared for it. People know that it is just a matter of time before disasters hit or before burglars try to strike. People know that one day, someone might accidentally lock himself out or someone can fall off the stairs. With all sorts of natural disasters ...
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In Case Of Emergency: The Numbers Condo Residents Should Know
Bad things happen and they have the knack of putting people in trouble when they are least prepared for it. People know that it is just a matter of time before disasters hit or before burglars try to strike. People know that one day, someone might accidentally lock himself out or someone can fall off […]
8 Fresh Designs for Your Grandparents’ Condo Bedroom
With the number of the elderly going up, it is increasingly becoming a must for everyone to know how to make them feel as safe and comfortable as possible. According to a report by the Moody’s Investors, the elderly in the Philippines comprise approximately 4.1 percent of the population and will rise to 4.9 percent […]
Easy and Healthy Recipes Under 400 Calories
Eating out of the box is common among very busy people. These people know food delivery numbers by heart and are human navigators for every drive-thru restaurant. Perhaps, they also think that ready-to-eat and microwavable foods are the best thing ever invented since sliced bread. The most popular excuse: “I don’t have time.” But how […]
15 Entryway Nook Ideas To Widen Your Condo Entryway
Our entryway nook ideas will make good use of space in your condo. Make your space more inviting with these simple tricks!
Common Cleaning Mistakes Condo Dweller Make
Condo living in the Philippines has grown popular over the past years because of its offered convenience and practicality. Usually located in key cities near the central business districts, condos are accessible to a wide array of fundamental, leisure, and cultural destinations. The convenience of condo living extends to cleaning and organizing, since most condo […]
Start Your Own Collection In Your Condo Now
There is renewed appreciation for simple things. We find beauty in unassuming but stylish and functional designs. When it comes to condo living, less is more. But let’s not forget that having your own home also means you have to truly own it — everything must look and feel right to you. Every piece of […]
11 Perfect Plants For Your Condo Bathroom
Living in a condo in the Philippines does not mean that your condo unit, especially your bathroom, has to be bare. Décor may not be an essential need in your bathroom, but it does a good job sprucing up your bathroom interior. One of the best ways to liven up your condo bathroom without putting […]
How To Achieve A Longer Spotlessly Clean Condo
It keeps coming back. That’s just so true of perennially unwanted household dirt – from dust, grime, stains, grease to cobwebs. No matter how you rid them, you find yourself face-to-face with them again at some point. With the high price of real estate as in condo living, there is a great urge for property […]
9 Surprising Facts About Condo Home Cooking
Condo living in the Philippines has its set of challenges. After a stressful day at the office, the last thing you want to do when you get home is to make tedious preparations in your condo kitchen for a home-cooked meal. Unless you decide to forego dinner altogether, the easiest way to get something to […]
How To Effectively Allergy-Proof Your Condo
Are you sneezing a lot lately? Are your eyes watering and is it getting harder for you to breathe? These are symptoms of an allergic reaction and can be relieved with medication. But whatever happened to that ounce of prevention? The key is to identify what is causing the stuffy nose and the headache and […]