
Your Easy and Fun Guide to Getting Fit before Summer

With the temperature rising and the sun getting brighter each day, you know that it is time to start working on a summer-ready body. While turning heads in your swimwear and summer clothes is a great idea, you need to strive for the better goal of being fit as it packs a punch of health benefits. You will be able to burn calories, ward off diseases, gain a sharper mind, and have more energy so you can live more.

Because these benefits help you become happier and more productive, being fit should not be limited to preparing for the beach-perfect season. Rather, this should be your lifestyle all year round especially if you want to happily accomplish your bucket list.

Nevertheless, getting fit before summer is a good start. Even if you are caught in busy condo living, you can still be the best version of yourself no matter what shape you are. It does not take much, all you really need are a strong willpower and creativity. If you are raring to begin, here are tips to get fit before summer.


Go for the goal

For this personal endeavor to be successful, go for a S.M.A.R.T. goal — specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” write down how many pounds you want to lose in how many weeks. Also, be realistic and know your limits. For instance, the average human body can safely lose only 1 to 2 pounds a week.


Eyes on the prize

Increase your willpower by posting visual reminders of your goal on strategic places like your bedroom mirror, work station, and refrigerator door. Print out photos of healthy role models, picturesque beaches, inspiring fitness quotes, anything to motivate you. Start each day right looking at these especially when sticking to your plan gets tough.


Make the best use of your condo’s amenities

Make condo living part of your fitness game plan while living in the city by taking advantage of the condo amenities like the gym and the swimming pool. You will not only get to save on exorbitant membership fees, you will also get to work out in no time as everything is within your reach. Just step outside of your home and hop on that treadmill or any other equipment in your gym.


Work out right inside your condo

If you prefer the privacy of your home, these things you can do inside your condo to stay fit are perfect for you. On top of not requiring gym equipment, this beginner-friendly exercise guide will target all your major muscle groups and at the pace that you can adjust accordingly. So there, start pushing up, squatting, and crunching your way to fitness.


Walk the talk

Literally add steps to your fitness plan and walk your way whenever possible. Take your dog outside. Park your car a little further. Mingle with condo neighbors as you walk. You need at least 30 minutes of walking per day, but if you seamlessly add this to your routine, you’ll be fit even without knowing it.


Make exercise fun!

Who says exercise is rigid and boring? Get your heart pumping with fun calorie-burning activities. Join the zumba sessions that your condo management may have. Bond with your family and friends over a game of badminton or Wii Just Dance. There are tons of ideas out there, you just need to be creative about this.


Get enough shut-eye

Your body needs rest so it can recharge for exercise on top of your daily activities. Sleeping does not only burn calories, it also prevents the tendency to overeat to make up for lack of sleep. Give your body the much-needed sleep and wake up energized.


Eat right

Fuel your body right so it can power through all those fitness activities. The key here is not to starve yourself, but to make the smart choice. Avoid fats, processed food, and junk food. Find healthy alternatives to these like a fruit if you are craving for something sweet. Remember, you are not depriving yourself. Think of the contrary: you are in fact letting yourself live more by taking good care of your body.

Whip up your own food

While your busy schedule makes it very tempting to just eat outside, proactive healthy eating includes preparing your own meals and snacks. You will get to take control of what you eat as you can certainly do away from excess oil, fat, and MSG. For convenience, allot an afternoon to cook meals or salads for a week and refrigerate these in small, healthy servings.


Drink more water

More than a necessity especially when working out in hot temperatures, water is a wonder drink that will greatly help you get fit. One of the countless tried-and-tested benefits of staying hydrated is it keeps overeating at the bay by quenching the thirst that people commonly mistake as hunger.


Say no to bloat

Aside from water, one body-shaping tip is increasing your intake of food rich in magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and caffeine. These natural diuretics help push out fluids from your body so that you can avoid being bloated. Chow down on asparagus, add slices of cucumber and lemon to water, and soothe your mind with green tea.


Improve your posture

Straightening up will instantly make you appear leaner and more confident as it trains your core muscles. Stand or sit up with your back straight and hold your stomach in. And remember, no one ever looked good slouching or hunching over.


Track your progress

Periodically look back on your goal and assess if you are doing it right. Weigh yourself, jot down notes on your food and exercise activities, take a moment to appreciate your work, and evaluate how you can do better. You can also download fitness and habit-tracking apps so you can conveniently record your progress even when you’re on the go.


Have a support buddy

You do not have to be alone in this journey to fitness. Ask help from a family member or a friend who can check up on you or better yet, someone who would also love to be fit. Having a buddy will not only hold you accountable, it will also encourage you to carry on.


Reward yourself for a job well done

You deserve a treat for working hard on this. Indulge in a satisfying way that will psyche you to do even better, but do not go for things that conflict with your goal. Instead of binge eating, you can check out the newest healthy food haven, get pampered in a relaxing spa, or finally buy that swimwear that you have been eyeing for weeks. Go ahead, you’ve earned it.

These simple tweaks to your lifestyle lead to great results when done consistently. Again, do not just limit yourself to a summer-ready body, but strive for health and fitness whatever the season is. Being in your best shape will get you to do more things so you enjoy life more.


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