Bad things happen and they have the knack of putting people in trouble when they are least prepared for it. People know that it is just a matter of time before disasters hit or before burglars try to strike. People know that one day, someone might accidentally lock himself out or someone can fall off the stairs.
With all sorts of natural disasters thumping various parts of the world more frequently over the past decade, nationwide drills, preparedness plans, and survival kits have become rather common. But any preparedness or rescue team would tell you that the best place to start getting ready is at home. Basic family safety tips include letting everyone know about important numbers and information. You know those numbers we tend to ignore on the refrigerator? They can actually save lives.
Lucky for those living in communities in condominiums. Condo security is really tight with 24/7 guards on duty and security cameras everywhere. Major condos in the Philippines like DMCI Homes have CCTVs installed in every floor, elevator, lounge, and even open spaces. Fire exits, intercoms, security monitors, and secured entry and exit points also ensure the safety of all condo residents. Condo living gives you all these security perks but how prepared are you inside your own home? Is everyone aware of what to do, where to go, and who to call? Let’s start with “who to call.”
Personal numbers
- Photo courtesy of rccarvalhogomes0 via
Condo’s hotline
Whether it is a potential gas leak or a busted pipe, knowing essential condo numbers (reception, management, security and maintenance) will always come in handy. Condo living promises convenience and it is during times of emergencies when this promise had to be kept.
School numbers
- Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay
Parents and household help must all know the numbers to call for school-related emergencies. School bus did not arrive on time? Child bullied by classmates? Child’s sick and can’t take the exams? These are emergencies that you have to be prepared for.
Our own 911
- Photo courtesy of Alan Levine via Flickr
Did you know that there are 5,000 emergency numbers nationwide? How many do you know? The Philippine National Police recently launched Patrol 117. There is also a private emergency dispatch team called Pilipinas 911. Everyone in the condo must also take note of emergency numbers to reach the Bureau of Fire Protection or any group of fire volunteers, local government, and barangays. All condo families are also advised to observe safety measures and perform security checks to ensure safe condo living and prevent any emergency from happening.
Utilities and repairs
- Photo courtesy of fran1 via Pixabay
Power suddenly went out? Tap water tastes like mud? You must keep a list of numbers of your service providers to address interruptions immediately. Numbers of trusted people to do work on leaking pipes, electrical wiring, and other household handyman jobs are also necessary.
Ready for disasters
How ready is the Philippines for disasters? Not so much, most experts agree. The Philippines is visited by 18 – 20 storms every year and the West Valley Fault is already overdue. We hear all these warnings but are we ready? Is our home ready? Disaster-related numbers are definitely among the emergency numbers every condo resident should know especially because several global studies have already warned that the Philippines is among the most disaster-prone countries in the world. Condo residents must take note of numbers of agencies involved in disaster preparedness like PAGASA, Phivolcs, NDRRMC, Coast Guard, and Defense.
Rescue numbers
- Photo courtesy of Blickpixel via Pixabay
Condos in the Philippines are built using international standards making them tough against natural calamities. But it never hurts to be prepared. Aside from national and local government rescue teams, there are a lot of private entities who have made it their duty to help. Red Cross is an example. At least keep the numbers of these groups.
Doctors on call

Photo courtesy of NEC Corporation of America via Flickr
If someone at home is on medication or if there’s a baby or an elderly, taking note of all doctors’ numbers is very important. The response will be quicker than a drive to the emergency room. You will also get the chance to address medical problems personally with the assistance of a doctor over the phone. And of course, having a first aid kit at home is also advised.
On the road
Emergencies also happen on the road. Every condo resident who owns a car or uses public transportation must be ready for road emergencies. So, that’s practically everyone. In times of flood, MMDA 136 can give you an update on impassable roads. You can also ask tollway management about traffic situations especially during long holidays. What if your car breaks down along the highway or your vehicle gets towed? See all these possibilities? Better be prepared.
Insurance support
Insurance companies guarantee assistance during accidents and other emergencies. Condo residents must be aware not only of the number to call but also the coverage. Insurance is an investment you hope you’ll never get to use (except for financial returns in the future) but it helps to know they really mean everything they have promised.
Technology has made it easier for everyone to respond to emergencies. From the family to the police, everyone is a text message away. A simple Twitter and Facebook monitoring will also give you the latest on weather disturbances. So from your end, do your part and make the simplest act of taking emergency numbers seriously. They can save the lives of people you care about.