Here’s how to get your Statement of Account the faster, more convenient way!
Are you considering living in an apartment or condominium property? As you embark on this exciting journey, it is crucial to understand the differences between these two types of living spaces and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of apartment and condo living in pre-selling and ready-for-occupancy (RFO) condo units. This article by aims to gu ...
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Choosing Between Apartments and Condos: A Guide to Pre-selling and RFO Living
Don’t know the difference between a pre-selling condo and an RFO property? Keep on reading to figure out the best choice for your real estate needs today.
Condo as an Investment vs. Condo as a Home: Which is Better?
As an aspiring homebuyer, you need a clear goal before making an investment as important as owning a condo. What do you plan to use it for? Will you live in it, rent it out, or sell it later for a higher price? The right condo purchase decision depends on your situation and financial goals. […]
Gift of Independence: Why A Condo is the Perfect Graduation Gift
Parents worry in silence all the time, and it doesn’t matter how old their child is. They worry when their toddler gets sick, they worry when their pre-schooler starts school, they worry when their children approach the teenage years, they worry once they start college, and they worry when their children go out on their […]
Why Pasig City Is The Ideal Address For Young Professionals
Your 20s are probably the most promising chapter of your life. You’re armed with a college degree and enthusiasm to make something out of your life. Your knowledge in your field, tech fluency, and youthful spirit are qualities employers look for in candidates. It’s up to you on how you’ll wield these tools to your […]
Still in Denial? Here Are Signs You Are Now An Adult
Are you already feeling it? One day, you could not even get yourself to roll out of bed without your mom waking you up, and then the next day, here you are brewing your own coffee, watching the news, complaining about gas prices, and getting pumped for that big presentation at work. High five! Millennials […]
Who’s Game? Fun Board and Card Games You Can Play With Your Friends
Are you hosting a casual get-together at your place this weekend? It could be tough, thinking about food, table set-up, and making sure everyone’s comfortable. Plus, what are you going to do? Movie or series marathons, karaoke, and booze are great. But you know the other thing that doesn’t go out of style? Card games […]
Date Ideas for Couples Who Don’t Want to Leave Home for Valentine’s Day
Can you already feel the love? It is February and romantics everywhere are surely going to obsess about anything related to the love month. You’d hear more love songs over the radio, quotes about love will flood your timelines, there would be all sorts of promos for couples everywhere, and prepare yourself for all loaded […]
Money-Saving Challenge #3: 8 Part-Time Jobs To Boost Your Income
Condo living in the Philippines is changing the lifestyle of urbanites. The strategic location of condo communities allow busy professionals attain work-life balance. For instance, the travel time is significantly reduced because of easy access to transport networks and business districts. The precious hours typically wasted sitting on traffic is used for worthwhile pursuits such […]
Money-Saving Challenge #2: A Mix-and-Match Guide for Your Capsule Wardrobe
Fast fashion, or the mass production of fashion wear that copies the latest high-end designs, has bred a type of consumer that always aims to keep up with the trends. This results to a lifestyle that is often detrimental to the person’s financial well-being. More often than not, people like to keep up with trends. […]
Feng Shui Basic for Optimal Condo Living: 10 Things to Do
Make 2018 a lucky and prosperous year for you. One of the ways you can make this happen is by renovating your home so that it becomes a pleasant residence. Keep feng shui principles in mind while working on your condo interior design so you can pave the way for positive flow of energy in […]