Here’s how to get your Statement of Account the faster, more convenient way!
Investing in real estate can be an intimidating prospect. But it also promises large potential returns. So get past your nagging questions, and learn whether real estate investing is for you. Read on for condo investment tips that will help you make the right decisions. How would I finance my real estate investment? There are several ways to ...
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Should You Invest in Real Estate? Your Nagging Investment Questions Answered
Investing in real estate can be an intimidating prospect. But it also promises large potential returns. So get past your nagging questions, and learn whether real estate investing is for you. Read on for condo investment tips that will help you make the right decisions. How would I finance my real estate investment? There […]
IN PHOTOS: Furry Fashionista at Stellar Place
There’s this saying that goes, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” This speaks for everyone who treats their pets as their best friend, or a vital part of their family. This is also true to homeowners and residents of Stellar Place, that they decided to team up, plan and […]
Pasay City is the Ideal City for Your Growing Family!
One of the four original cities to make up Metro Manila in its early days, Pasay City boasts a rich history and culture. Located near the capital city of Manila, it is also one of the metro’s richest cities. With several entertainment and cultural attractions, as well as first-rate condo living and transportation systems, Pasay […]
Fun with Kids at the Best Indoor Condo Amenities on Rainy Days
“Rain, rain, go away. Little children want to play.” And so the rhyme goes, and it keeps playing in your head as you stare at your child’s face, looking all bored and frustrated. The rainy season calls for a little creativity. The malls, with all their indoor playpens, are out of the question unless you […]
Indoor Molds, Peeling Paints? Beat Condensation In Your Condo
The rainy season brings with it a lot of challenges for homeowners. There’s the problem with leaks and flooding, damp laundry, mud-covered shoes, and dripping umbrellas, and so on. The rain is a beautiful force of nature, and it can sometimes cause chaos. Another problem is condensation. What exactly is condensation? It is what happens […]
Why Starting A Family In A Condo Is The Best Option For City Dwellers
Starting a family is as challenging as it is exciting. You will have to make life-changing decisions and will be bombarded with countless options. One of the major considerations you’d have to make is whether you ought to start your family in a condo or in a single-family house. Condo living offers several benefits that […]
Indoors Are Never Boring With These Rainy Day-Friendly Condo Amenities
The rainy season is here. While this will keep you from doing some outdoor activities, this should not prevent you from enjoying the rainy days — not when you live in a DMCI Homes condo. DMCI Homes condo amenities are designed not only to make your life more convenient but more enjoyable as well. Beyond […]
Want To Achieve a Cozier Space? Mind Your Windows
Turn your DMCI Homes condo space into a cozy home with easy design tips. You can create a comfy atmosphere by painting your walls with earthy shades or adding subtle pieces such as curtains. Window coverings can transform a bare studio unit into a restful space. Window treatment is a general term used for any […]
10 Things Every Rain-Lover Does On A Rainy Condo Weekend
Weekends give you the perfect chance to go out and enjoy your condo’s accessibility to leisure places in your city. But when it’s pouring heavily outside, how do you enjoy condo living benefits? While most people lament the long rainy season, there are some who revel in it. Introducing the pluviophile. This curious creature finds […]
12 Easy Ways to Protect Your Kids This Rainy Season
Children are especially vulnerable during the rainy season. It is the season for colds and flu, and diseases spread rather quickly. As a parent, don’t you wish there’s more than you can do besides getting them to rain boots and umbrellas? Protecting your children during the rainy days is fairly easy. The simplest health tips […]