
How to make your condo life legen—wait for it—dary!

Category : Homemaking

So you have just bought a condominum unit. Well, congratulations is in order. Now that you are settled, you might be wondering on how can you make the most out of your condo living. There are lots of things that you can do to further improve your already wonderful condo life. But if you really want to make your condo look like the ones from “How I Met your Mother” and “Friends,” you can start scrolling down and look at the useful tips that will make your condo unit become legen—wait for it—dary!

Do a House Clean-up

Let’s face it: when moving in a condominium, you have somewhat made an overkill in your preparation. You must have bought more stuff than you need, under the belief that you might one day use it. Nope, you are not going to use your mother’s gigantic spoon and fork; so return it from whence it came! You have to admit; when living in a condominium, you also have to live with the fact that you are working in a limited space. Therefore, you take away all the stuff that you don’t need. Remember that obsolete VHS player lying beneath the television cabinet (yes, they still exist); sell it. How about that contraption you bought from the home TV shopping channel that gathers rust inside your closet; well, cha-ching!


Create More Space

Now that you are done with your clean-up, you must be surprised with how much space that you actually have in your condominium. Don’t just go and fill your condominium with another set of useless stuff, but instead, create more living space for you to move around with.

The emptied closets and coffee tables are now free to hold your essential stuff. That way, you will maximize your storage space more, and allow your essential things to be more organized and easier to find. Having more space is always good because not only it can give you more room to move around to, but it also grants your kids and friends mobility to play around in your condominium—you don’t want them to stand up crammed like sardines. With fewer objects lying on the floor of your unit, your place will become a better venue for hosting hangouts and parties.

You Can Always Improvise

Your condominium unit is not like a regular house. And a lot may be a bit different, even space. But that is not a problem; because you can always improvise. Do not fret if you have no space for a massive banquet table, your friends will not mind if you use your kitchen counter to dine—it may even become an interesting conversation device over dinner. Remember, condominium life is a break from the traditional house lifestyle, so conventional household rules that you grew up with will not often apply. That is a good thing because it brings out your creative side: as it will enable you to see which places in your condominium that you could multi-task. So yeah, you can study on your kitchen counter, or eat on your coffee table while sitting on the floor. There are tons of stuff to do your condominium unit, and it will take you away from the rigid conventions of living in a house.

Use Flexible and Versatile Furniture

Condominiums are more flexible than your traditional village houses. That is why you should get those movable furniture in order to provide further flexibility and functionality to your condominium home. You lack a chair for your dinner table, go and get that couch! Even better, is to get those movable furniture that have additional functions; like those movable couches that can also sport some storage space, those easy-to-move sofa beds, or those pair of awesome movable recliners. With such flexible and functional fixtures, you can be sure that living and maintaining your unit becomes hassle-free.

There are many more ways you can make the most out of your condominium living, but it will take a lot if you are to explore every single one of them. So it will be better for you to find out the others yourself. With these tips, you can officially start turning your condominium unit into a rockin’ bachelor pad like Barney Stinson’s or a homey condominium unit your friends can hang out to like Monica Gellar’s.

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