Here’s how to get your Statement of Account the faster, more convenient way!
Pablo Picasso once said that “art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Art comes in various forms such as a piece of wooden sculpture, verses of a poetry or an artwork. After a long day in the office, nothing can melt your tension away than good music in the comforts of your condo space. Know 11 smart ways to incorporate art into y ...
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Art Arrangement Schemes That Will Enliven Your Condo Space
Pablo Picasso once said that “art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Art comes in various forms such as a piece of wooden sculpture, verses of a poetry or an artwork. After a long day in the office, nothing can melt your tension away than good music in the comforts of […]
9 Green and Brown Mixes To Let Nature Into Your Condo Space
When it comes to great condo interior design, there’s something about the combination of green and brown that makes the space appealing and relaxing. Green and brown make a wonderful pair because together, they evoke the arresting beauty of nature. Tress, grass, branches, leaves—these are just some of the soothing elements that can be found […]
9 Things You’ve Thought Of Telling Your Condo Roommate
Sometimes it might be nice to not have a condo roommate. Don’t say you haven’t thought about it. You might have wondered about how great it would be to live alone—no unnecessary noises while you work, no “accidental” raids on your prized chocolate supply, and guaranteed privacy. There are also days when you simply don’t […]
Smart Spending And 11 Things You Should Know About Finances
Can we adapt a frugal lifestyle—saving is close to the core of Filipino values, after all. Personal financial guru and book author Dave Ramsey wrote: “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” In his top-selling book, The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan For Financial […]
Sharing Common Condo Areas: 13 Things You Should Not Do
While there are a handful of common leasing provisions that tenants need to look into, there are rules that are not etched in stone. They are mostly anchored on common courtesy and mutual respect. Everyone is expected to follow them if a condo community is to live in harmony. The same is true with living […]
Weekend Condo Project: How To Make Old Shoes Look Brand New
When it comes to shoes, people can be so fickle-minded. They love a particular pair one day and then let it gather dust in the rack the next. Women can never have too many pumps or heels, and men can never have too many of those Nikes. If you are decluttering and doing some reorganizing […]
11 Easy Steps To A Happier Condo Life
It’s true, the many benefits of condo living are undeniable, but living in the hyper-busy metro can sometimes give you the blues. Whether it’s a bad day at work or the congested traffic, it’s safe to generalize that condo owners and renters want to have a space that feels relaxing and uplifting. Lucky you, because […]
Our Community: Explore Halfway Living at Siena Park Residences
The stressful life in the city, coupled with pollution and social isolation, is affecting our mental health. Studies show that growing up in urban areas nearly doubled the risk of developing psychotic symptoms at age 12 primarily due to exposure to high crime rates and low social cohesion. However, more people still prefer city life […]
Rainy Day Survival Gear: The Ultimate Checklist
Do you ever feel like it only rains when you are least prepared for it? Do you feel like the universe is conspiring so that rains pour only when you are wearing heels and has put on a white pair of pants? Don’t worry. It’s nothing personal. It is just the way it is, and […]
Put A Twist On Your Buwan Ng Wika Condo Celebration
In a world where Hollywood reigns supreme and where young people are desperately trying to duplicate Taylor Swift’s squad, it is easy to get caught up in contemporary western ideals. We dress like these distant celebrities, cut our hair the way they do, copy their diet, and talk like them. This is why the month […]