
5 Back to School Tips: How to Prepare Your Kids For School

Category : Family

Some of you might be thinking that it’s still too early in the summer to think about preparing your kids for the first day of school. Sure, summer vacation may have just started but the truth is, you can never be too early when it comes to getting ready for the back-to-school frenzy.  

Yes, back-to-school preparations can really be difficult not just for parents but for kids as well. The fact that they just came from a long vacation with no established schedules and responsibilities, the transition back to school-day routines (you know, like waking up early and doing their homework every day) can be overwhelming. And if both of you are not ready, chances are you as well as your kids would experience a roller coaster of emotions—ranging from anxiety to excitement, and even resentment towards you—even before the school year starts.
That’s why planning your back to school preparations as early as now can certainly help a lot in mitigating the stress that you and your young one would have to face when the time finally comes.

Here are a few tips and ideas on how to prepare your child for school early:

Easing back into the sleeping routine

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One of the most difficult adjustments your kids will find when the school year starts is getting back into their regular sleeping schedule. Now, you don’t really have to rush into making your kids sleep early in the evening for them to be able to wake up early in the morning. Let them enjoy their summer vacation a bit by allowing them to stay up late and get up from bed a little late.

But when the school year nears, say three or four weeks until the first day of school, try to ease them back into their old sleeping routine by limiting their screen time (TV, PC, or mobile phone) little by little and telling them to set their alarm clocks earlier. This way, they’ll be able to adjust back into their old sleeping habits without them even noticing it.

Buy school supplies early

Photo courtesy of stevepb via Pixabay

Have you ever tried buying school supplies during the back-to-school season? If you have, we’re pretty sure you wouldn’t want to go through that again. If this is your first time, well, let us just warn you that it’s nothing short of mayhem. Throngs of parents, children, and the long lines of people paying at the cashier are what you can expect inside bookstores during the last few weeks before the start of the school year. That’s why as soon as you get the list of school supplies your child would need in school, we highly suggest getting them as soon as you can to avoid the frenzy of back-to-school season.

Make a list of the things your child would need

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

Even right before getting the list of things from school, you should go ahead and make your own back to school preparation checklist yourself. You already know some of the things your kids would need anyway but if you don’t, here’s a list you might find useful:

  • Backpack
  • Lunch kit and water jug
  • Pens, pencils, rulers, and erasers
  • Non-toxic crayons, colored pens, washable markers, and highlighters
  • Pencil case
  • Notebooks, rims of papers, folders, and/or binders
  • Umbrellas and/or raincoats
  • Shoes (black leather shoes and white sneakers)
  • Uniforms
  • Laptop and/or tablet (depends on what the school requires)
  • USB flash drives
  • Textbooks and workbooks (get the list from the school)

Get your children involved with the planning

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

Talk to your kid/s and ask how they feel about going back to school. Are they excited? Anxious? Happy? Intimidated? Talking to them allows them to release some of the anxiety and hesitations they might have on returning to school.

If they’re excited, on the other hand, involving them with the planning can make them more enthusiastic. This can also help manage their expectations, set their own goals, and prepare themselves for school. Furthermore, planning their back to school preparation with them is also a great opportunity to teach your kids the importance of always being prepared for school.

Have fun

Photo courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

Although preparing your kids for the start of a new school year can be stressful for both parents and kids, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun. It’s just a matter of setting your goals straight and keeping a positive attitude towards that goal. Shopping for school supplies, for instance, can really be exciting for your kids as they get to pick their own stuff for school. Plus, keep in mind that they’re still on vacation, which means that you can incorporate fun activities with the planning like maybe going to the movies or eating out before getting the stuff they would need for school. By doing so, you and your child can enjoy the rest of the summer vacation while actually preparing for their first day of school.

The thing is, the first day of school does not need to be stressful. If you take advantage of the time you have by starting the transition from vacation mode to school season you can actually turn your back-to-school preparations into a fun family activity. Plus, with the right attitude, you and your child will have a smooth transition to the start of the new school year.

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