Out With The Old, In With The New: 8 Habits You Should Let Go This Chinese New Year

Events and Culture.

We human beings have always had this fighter attitude. Able to power through anything, even a year of mostly disappointments. So instead of clinging on to what happened last 2018, we say thank u, next.

Entering 2019, for sure you’ve had a list of things you want to change. Either with your work ethic, your food intake or other unhealthy condo living habits you have. If you haven’t started yet, don’t worry. You can start becoming a better version of yourself any time. 

In fact, Chinese New Year is a great time to finally start ticking off things on your list of resolutions. Go and change yourself for the better with these 8 bad habits to let go of this Year of the Pig.

1: Leaving the bed unmade

bed after sleepPhoto courtesy of Jaymantri via Pexels

You wake up early, snooze your alarm, then wake up in panic. What happens next is a mad dash of different tasks just so you could avoid being late to work. Of course, you leave the bed unmade. It’s time to change this habit.

Making up your bed helps you bring in some zen into your bedroom, invite positive vibes, and make condo living so much better. It also has other benefits such as being more organized and waking up earlier. This Chinese New Year, one of the bad habits to let go of is just leaving your bed unmade.

2: Always eating out or ordering take out

We are all making resolutions to live healthy and frugal lives. Why not do something that achieves both? All you need to do is to stop eating out or ordering take out and start cooking your own meals starting this Chinese New Year.

There are a lot of recipes available online that will help you with all your meal preps. From your breakfast fix, your lunch, up until your dinner. Another Chinese New Year tip you should do is mixing in some ingredients that are considered lucky this Year of the Pig. This way you save up more money, eat healthier, and welcome more luck.

3: Being unprepared

The saying “better be safe than sorry” should be one of your mantras this Chinese New Year. Aside from the usual Chinese New Year preparation guides you are reading, you should also start looking for preparation guides about the must-haves at home.

Start updating your medical kit—from paracetamol to antihistamines. Check if you have flashlights with fresh batteries and canned goods for your emergency kit. Preparedness is a virtue that you will greatly benefit from this Year of the Pig.

4: Passing up on daily exercise

tool for excercisePhoto courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

You need to start prioritizing yourself, and Chinese New Year is the perfect opportunity for you to do so. What better way for self love to happen than living an active lifestyle?

This February 5, a bad habit to let go is letting an entire week pass without at least having done something physical. It doesn’t have to be some Olympic level exercise. A visit to the gym would definitely go a long way. If you are renting a unit at DMCI Homes, its gym has everything you need for a complete workout. You can also start with the small things such as trying to take the stairs more or walking around more often. Keep doing these small but impactful physical activities and you are well on your way to living a healthier life.

5: Not having a cleaning schedule

The state of your living is a reflection of your personal state, too. If your condo has not been cleaned for quite some time now, chances are this rubs off on you. Condo living should be easy, stress-free, and comfortable.

Cleaning your condo unit may look daunting but the secret lies in the planning. This Chinese New Year, schedule a general cleaning as part of your preparation. From your bedroom to your kitchen, make sure that everything is spick and span. After scheduling your general clean-up for Chinese New Year, start scheduling your weekly clean-up time. The best time of course is during the weekends when you are not too busy to clean your home.

6: Too much technology time

Technology, especially social media, has definitely made its impact in our lives. Now it is normal for anyone to at least check their social media accounts once a day. But there are those who are already glued to their phones.

If it sounds like you are part of the latter, then spending too much time with technology — be it your computer or your cellphone — is definitely a bad habit to let go of this Chinese New Year.

7: Having a disorganized organizer

disorganized booksPhoto courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels

We’ve all been through this: have a messy desk, buy a file organizer, and then have that file organizer be messy. Just because you have an organizer doesn’t mean it’s working. People fall into the trap of using these as substitutes to actually fixing their stuff.

This Year of the Pig, start checking all that you use to organize your things. Check your filing cabinets, your bookshelf, and your drawers to see if they are indeed helping you organize your things. You can also start having your own drawer for  bills or having a separate filing cabinet for your travel documents.

8: Letting resolutions be just resolutions

resoltutions list Photo courtesy of freestocks.org via Pexels

After talking about different resolutions, the habit that you need to drop immediately this Chinese New Year is not pushing through with your own set of resolutions. A lot of people fall into the trap of either settling with the thought of having planned to change something or giving up early.

It isn’t easy for anyone to realize that they have bad habits to let go of. The same is true for actually letting them go. This Chinese New Year, it is important to realize that improvement is a continuous process. You are going to have to choose to become better every day. You are going to have to choose to eat healthier everyday. You are going to have to choose to spend less time with technology every day and be more organized every day.  

Just keep choosing to become better this year and be smart in how you plan to become better. The steps you take, no matter how big or small, all matter in the end. Before you know it, you’ve come a long way from where you were the last time.


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