Say all you want about Halloween. The thing is it’s fun. The sweet tradition of trick or treat, going to Halloween parties in spooky costumes, and scaring the wits out of people with ghost stories are pure fun. Whether you live in a traditional neighborhood or in a community in a condominium, we’re pretty sure a chilling, creepy but enormously fun Halloween party is coming to you.
A 2011 research on Halloween that surveyed more than 50,000 people showed that 36.1% of the respondents said someone in their household is wearing a costume, while 57.9% said they will be offering candies to trick and treaters. So don’t be a Halloween scrooge or a party pooper, get in on the fun. Step 1: prepare a costume. We’ll show you 10 of the best Halloween costume ideas that will surely land you a treat.
A group of walkers

Photo courtesy of geric10 via Pixabay
“The Walking Dead” fans will surely get it. Actually, even if you’re not a fan of the show, you would still get it. It’s a zombie, right? Dressing up as zombies is popular for Halloween, and the good thing is it shouldn’t cost you a lot. You could be in a regular shirt and regular pants. Just stain it with sticky food color or even ketchup to look like you’ve been feasting on humans. There are also tutorials on the Internet to show how to apply zombie makeup. The key here is the attitude. Walk like a zombie and wear a zombie facial expression the whole time. If your are living in a condo in the Philippines or if organizers booked an events place for rent this Halloween, then the whole community will look like it’s been zombie-infested.
Rollercoaster thrille
This creative Halloween costume idea is best for a group of friends. Come in like a bunch of friends who are victims of a rollercoaster tragedy. All you need are boxes, duct tape, spray paint, and pool noodles or cylindrical piece of foam. From the boxes, make a rollercoaster chair and paint it black leaving a hole big enough for your head and torso. Using duct tapes, attach the handles to the box. Make fake feet by stuffing old pants. And then of course act like you are having fun and then suddenly tragedy happened. We’re pretty sure guests at the Halloween party won’t be going to a theme park in the next few days.
Blast from the past (no filter required)
You will need a lot of makeup to achieve a grayscale look. You may get the tutorial here. The important thing is the base. Use water-activated makeup (not crème), spray a little water on it, and use a sponge to apply all over the body. Use a shade darker than the base to achieve shadow. Then of course, you have to pattern your hairdo and wardrobe from old Hollywood movies. Post it on Instagram and get a natural grayscale effect.
Friendly-neighborhood gorilla

Photo courtesy of Greyerbaby via Pixabay
Add some zoo fun in your community’s Halloween party. Get one of those gorilla costumes and really get into the act by making sounds and scratching the head and belly. If the Halloween party events place is inside a community in a condominium or in a subdivision, you can make a dramatic entrance from bushes and trees. If the party has kids, bring some balloons.
Hey, a LEGO man!
Legos remind us of our fun childhood. So for a bit of nostalgia, come in as a LEGO man in a Halloween party. All you need is a cardboard box big enough for you to fit in. Remember to leave holes for your arms and head. Spray paint it to your desired color then attach six paper bowls to make your box look like a LEGO brick.
Pop culture for the win
Come as your favorite pop culture character or celebrity. Dressing up like Cher and Dionne from the movie “Clueless” is perfect for girlfriends. Of course, arriving as legendary rock stars still rock. If you are with a group of boys, coming as a bunch of Michael Jacksons in different stages of his career is the perfect throwback.
Adorable kiddie costumes
A survey by the National Retail Federation revealed that “princess” costumes still tops the favorite Halloween costume for kids. Action characters are next. But if you want to be different, there are a lot of clever Halloween costume ideas that you can make at home. If you want your kid to scare people away, dress him as the Chucky doll. All you need is a jumper and long-sleeved striped shirt which he already probably has. Paint a stitch-like pattern on his face. If you want your child to simply look adorable, why not make them look like grandmothers complete with fake reading glasses, hair rollers, pajama, and a walker?
Game mode on!
Get a cardboard and dress yourself in Pac-Man or Rubik’s Cube costume. You may also come as your favorite video games character. Guests will surely recognize you and think you look absolutely adorable, not to mention competitive.
Santa’s coming to (Halloween) town
Why not don a Santa costume? Christmas is the next holiday, so might as well remind everyone of that. This a good way to spread the cheer and the fun. At least, there’s someone to remind everyone to not be naughty and always be nice.
No costume? No Problem
Let’s admit it: some of us really don’t have the time to buy or create a costume. And some of us are simply not fans of Halloween costumes. Don’t worry because you can still be in the moment and look cool. All you need is a plain white tee and a sharpie and write something witty like: “Error 404 Costume not found.”
Halloween is a time to be creative and unique. So forget all those ready-made costumes you can buy at the malls. Just by using materials around the house, you can definitely come up with a scary and adorable get-ups that will definitely make you the king and queen of Halloween parties.